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Q: If you had to get rid of a state in the US which state would it be?
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If you could get rid of any one of the US states which one would you get rid of and why?

I would combine both north and south Dakota and make Dakota. ;)

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you would not be able to breath correctly as usally it would be better to get rid of blubber YAA DIGG]

What state has most land?

If you mean in the US, that would be the state of Alaska.

Which US state is closest to puerto vallarta?

Texas would be such state.

What state in the US would have a warm and tropical climate?

Florida would be one state. Louisana would be another.

What state in US is a peninsula?

That would be Florida.

What state is a peninsula in the US?

That would be Florida.

Who is the head leader of a state?

By state, one could mean "nation-state" or "US State". If you're asking nation-state, then it would depend upon the government of that state. If you mean a US State, then it would be a governor. Four US States are actually defined commonwealths, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Virginia.

How much would it cost to get rid of a large amount of the US's nuclear weapons?

Nearly what it cost to build them.

Is Minnesota the largest state in the US?

No. That would be Alaska.

Why did Hitler kill the people he did?

He considered them enemies of the state. And getting rid of them would make it easier for him to dictate Germany with hassle