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Intelligence depends on multiple things ... but there is a correlation between head size and intelligence . And I always ask this .... if you have no head at all ... can you be intelligent or not ? The answer is NO , without a head there is no intelligence whatsoever . The next question is : If you have the largest head possible ( the other extreme ) ... can you be intelligent or not ? Yes you can . With the largest head possible you can be intelligent . The largest computer on earth is better than no computer without a doubt . But of course a computer depends on other factors too to be efficient . A large computer from 1980's is less efficient than a desktop computer from nowadays . People , I think are looking for that one thing that gives them the edge . But with a big head there is no guarantee that will be the case . Your brain must be efficient . Plus ... what kind of intelligence are you looking for ? For example ... people who are creative are not good rationalists . Being a rationalist means to always find the truth .... over think stuff and so on . You want solid evidence to support the claim . Being a creative man ... means something else . It means getting inspired all the time and coming up with your own stuff .... your own theories . You care very little about what others say . And you are living in the present . Your basis is imagination instead of logic . And this is what Einstein said -" Imagination is more important than knowledge ". So if you want to be considered one of the great geniuses on earth .. you must put aside thinking the truth ... and do stuff more on how you feel than what you think . So ... it depends on what you really are searching for . So thinking can occur in the brain or by being inspired . And this is not something that is new stuff . The Bible said it : When man wanted God's power , being able to tell right from wrong ... he became a mortal ( I can't give you an exact quotation right now ) . This thing is represented in the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo !!

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Q: If you have a big head does that make you smart or dumb?
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