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Tell them that it annoys you and if they don't stop doing it then hang out with other friends for a while. Hope this helps

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Q: If you have a friend who you do a lot of nice things for and then your friend treats you badly what should you do?
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You can tell your best friend it's not they put up with this behavior and unless they want to improve the situation there is nothing more you can do. If your friends doesn't take your advice then stay out of it. Good luck

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well I'm sure you are a nice looking guy but if her boyfriend is treating her badly then you should tell someone about this, someone who can help, then eventually you will be able to be together no matter what her soon to be use to be boyfriend says so just don't worry and she will instantly fall in love with you !!

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Have you discussed this with your husband? Told him how you feel when his friend treats you badly? If you've talked to him and he still does nothing, just remove yourself from the situation. When he comes over, go for a walk or a drive and in time his friend will ask why you keep leaving, then perhaps your husband will have that talk with him. Being treated badly is still a form of abuse and he should be protecting you from it. When I say talk, I mean a heart to heart talk, face to face and get the air cleared. Tell him how it makes you feel!

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First, check the related link, there is a list of things you can do and also has some phone numbers. The website, and many mental health professionals say that you should always take it seriously. Tell her parents or teachers, anyone who could get your friend help.

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You decide who is more important, your friend or your crush, who has been there for you the most, who treats you with more repect. this is a tough desicion, and many people have the same problem. Whatever you do, don't talk him into cheating, most of the time when you are caught, it ends badly.

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