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Yes because The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints believe in the Priesthood. Which is God's authority and power and the earth. They believe that only men given the priesthood in our church have the authority to baptize.

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Q: If you have already been Baptized does The Church of Christ Baptize you again?
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Can a person get re-baptised in the Catholic Church after joining the Church?

If you were baptized in another church, you do not get baptized again. The Church recognizes the one baptism as valid.Roman Catholic AnswerYou may be baptized if the original baptism was not valid. You should check with the priest. If there is some question, they may baptize you conditionally, "if you are not already baptized, I baptize you in the Name of the Father..." as to attempt to "re-baptize" a person is very wrong.

Who is the founder of Baptists?

Jesus Christ. God sent John the Baptist to baptize. God gave him the authority to baptize and he baptized Jesus. The "Baptist" denomination is the only denomination mentioned in The Bible. The Baptist church originated with Jesus Christ in the land of Israel.

Can you be baptized in a christian church after you were already baptized catholic?

No. As Christians, we believe in 'one baptism for the remission of sins.' You cannot be baptized twice. As long as you were baptized using the formula: "....I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit," then your baptism was perfectly valid and it does not need to be repeated.

Do churches baptize without being a member?

Yes. If you ask Christ in your heart. An your not an offical member of that church until your baptized. I got baptized at age 9. I'm 14 now. it's a great an blessing thing that happens to yourself.

Do you have to be baptized in the Catholic Church to be Catholic?

yes, you have to be baptized in a catholic church in order to be catholicRoman Catholic AnswerNo, you must be baptized or received into the Church by a priest, if you have received Baptism previously in a protestant denomination and it is valid. If they are not sure of the validity of it, they will conditionally baptize you.

How old do you have to be to be baptised?

That depends on your church's particular beliefs. Some baptize babies after they come home from the hospital. Others wait until teenage years. Among those that baptize later on, the general view is that it is the person's commitment to Christ, not their age, that determines when they should be baptized.

Cana child be baptized by their parents?

Yes, anyone, even an unbaptized person can baptize in emergencies. But if it is not an emergency then the child should be baptized in the Catholic Church. If the Church denies baptism, then it should not be done.

Can a catholic deacon perform baptisms?

In an emergency situation, ANYONE, even someone who is not baptized, CAN baptize anyone if they intend to do what the Church does when she baptizes. That being said, a Catholic deacon MAY baptize a baby legitimately for the Church. In the second case the deacon is acting as an ordained minister and fulfilling his function as such.

Do children of a non-Catholic and Catholic have to be baptized?

If the couple was married in the Catholic Church then, yes, at the time of their marriage the couple promised to baptize and educate their children in the Catholic Church.

When did people start baptising their children as babies?

It all depends on the religion of the family. In the Catholic Church, it is normal to baptize your child between teh ages of 2-6. But, even with these ages, parents also decide to baptize there children at a different age, such as 10-18. In other religions it just depends on the church and the priest. If you are interested in getting Baptized, find a good church, or get Baptized at your church you attned now. God Be With You.

What makes me a member of the church of Christ?

Commit your life to Christ and pray when you need to. You also need to be baptized at least once if your life to be a full committed member of The Church Of Christ.

When did David Archuleta baptized in the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints?

Baptism records of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) are not available to the general public. We cannot know for sure when David Archuleta was baptized unless he tells us, but chances are he was baptized when he was eight, like most kids who are raised in the church.