

If you have bad teeth will it make you jaw hurt?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: If you have bad teeth will it make you jaw hurt?
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yes it can break the tops of your teeth off & cause jaw problems

What if your left jaw hurt you cant eat it hurts if you chew with your right jaw and it?

well both jaw lines are conected together so if one siide of your jaw hurts bad then expect your other side to hurt also

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Yes,your top jaw teeth are over your bottom jaw teeth it is considered an over bite..........

Why do braces hurt when you stick your bottom jaw out?

if they are attached to your bottom jaw, then its because they are moving your whole jaw back so it cant go as far as it could before, or because the back of the braces is anchored to your teeth.

Do braces align your top jaw and bottom jaw to make a perfect bite?

Not exactly. They align your top teeth and bottom teeth to make a (hopefully) perfect bite and a perfect smile. Re-aligning your jaw would require major surgery.

You got your top two wisdom teeth pulled All your top teeth hurt and fell sinsitive Is that normal?

yup. you will experience swelling along the whole jaw which may make your other teeth feel a little sensitive. Just keep ice on it and you will be fine.

Why do my jaw and neck hurt and i also have headaches?

Maybe you have a bad injury go see a doctor

Can bad teeth cause neck problems?

Yes. Bad teeth can cause infections in the jaw, which can spread to muscles, like your neck muscles. Always practice good mouth hygiene.

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What does the jaw protect?

The answer is... Your teeth! The jaw protects your teeth in a way that you can flex in different ways... That's how we make funny/stupid faces! :P bye! This is written by Tamara (year 7)

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by its jaw

Can a respiratory infection cause your teeth and gums to hurt?

Yes. Pressure can build up in the sinuses causing pain that can be felt as if it were in the jaw area.