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Try using Your computer may have just noticed that a better driver is available.

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Q: If you have been using a computer for several months why would the 'add new hardware wizard' suddenly pop up and ask you to install the pci simple communication controller?
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What are the dangers to your computer if you just turn it off?

When you just remove the cable from your computer, turn off the plug, or hold the power button your computer suddenly shuts down - this is like us humans being knocked out suddenly(with a large object), if we were in the process of doing something - we lost it, and it may case damage to our hardware(brain) It can cause courupted data and hardware failures.

What would cause the audio to suddenly have no loud volume?

Corrupt or missing driver or failing hardware.

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Eat your computer

I have a logitech cordless precision controller for my PS3. I've had it for a while now and it suddenly stopped working right in the middle of my game. I've replaced the batteries and that didn't work?

if your Logitech precision controller for a PS3 has stopped working you will need to return the controller to the store.

What happens to computer when switch of suddenly with out ups?

when you switch a computer off without shutting down properly, you risk loosing unsaved data and also data corruption. Computers have a specific shut down procedure to protect user data and system data as well. If the procedure is interupted or avoided all together, many things can happen that wouldn't be good for you or your computer. when a computer switches off suddenly on its own, this could be more then just one problem. It could mean power loss. it could mean hardware failure. it could mean the computer stand by or shut down program is malfunctioning. it could also mean you have malacious software installed on your computer causing failures.

How does UPS investment in IT help it achieve the stategic business objectives described?

Firstly you must know what a UPS is. UPS stands for uninteruptable power supply. This device will ensure that during a power failure your computer hardware wont suddenly turn off which may result in data loss if it does. This device will provide enough power for the computer to safely shut its self down.

My PS3 controller suddenly is not working after letting family borrow it. Does not turn on or respond to anything beside lights flashing while plugged in to PS3 and pressing the PS home button.?

The PS# controller may need to be synced again. If not, it may need to be replaced.

What do we cal New window that suddenly appears on computer screen?

pop-ups windows

While working on computer it suddenly restart and give log of error?

My computer does that some times it is usually getting rid of useless files

Why does your computer shut off suddenly when you are playing the sims 3?

your game could be crashing because your computer doesn't meet the system requirements.

How do you get big head mode in batman arkham city?

Using your x-box controller, spin the two joysticks in circles until batman's head suddenly gets big.

Why does your computer stop when playing?

sounds like a system crash, depends what you are doing on it could be due to: a) virus - scan your system with up to date Anti-Virus software b) damaged piece of hardware (graphics card, CPU etc) download a system checker such as Sandra lite and run a test on your whole system c) overheating of hardware d) outdated hardware if you have just bought a new game and this is has suddenly started to happen, it is probably time to get a new graphics card or CPU. I know that feeling.