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It gives you additional practice. Only through practice can you learn a subject well. Now, if somebody else does the homework for you, in its entirety, you won't benefit from the homework.

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1d ago

Having homework every day can benefit you by reinforcing what you learned in class, helping you practice and improve your skills, and fostering a sense of responsibility and time management. It can also prepare you for exams and develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

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Does homework hurt trees?

Homework does not directly hurt trees. The production and disposal of paper used for homework assignments, however, can contribute to deforestation and negatively impact tree populations if not managed sustainably. Using recycled paper and reducing paper consumption can help minimize the environmental impact on trees.

What can you do to make sure you have your homework?

To make sure you have your homework, try to write down all assignments in a planner, set reminders on your phone, prioritize tasks based on deadlines, designate a specific study area, and create a study schedule to stay organized and on track.

What countries don't have homework?

There is no country that completely avoids assigning homework. Homework policies vary globally, but homework is a common practice in most educational systems as a way to reinforce learning, develop study skills, and promote independent thinking.

What would you do for light to finish your homework when there is no electricity?

You can use a flashlight, candles, or a battery-powered lamp to provide light for your homework. Make sure to take breaks if using candles due to safety concerns. If possible, you can also try to find natural light sources like opening curtains during the day.

What are some good exuces for not turning in homework?

It's best to be honest and take ownership when communicating about missed homework. You could mention a family emergency, technical difficulties, or illness that prevented you from completing the assignment. It's important to communicate any issues as soon as possible to your teacher and ask for an extension if needed.

Related questions

Do school children in China have homework?

Yes they have homework every day including weekends!

How do you use the word every day in a sentence?

Every day is a new day.I went to see him every day.The sun rose every day without fail.

How much homework can be given a day?

It depends on the teachers. You might have homework from every one of your classes, plus a special project or report you have put off until the last minute which would be even more homework for you.

How many hours homework does the average teen get per day?

You will probably get around one hour of work per class, though not every class will give you homework every single day.

What happens when teachers give out homework?

The teacher first has to plan what homework to give -- it has to help you learn whatever lesson you had that day. Then, the teacher has to decide how much homework is fair. Then, the teacher has to grade every single piece of homework from every kid in every class they teach!

Am i the only person that uses this site to get the answers to my homework?

No. There are literally thousands of homework questions asked on here every day . Of course, homework is supposed to be done by the pupil - not by someone else !

Is the word completes a verb?

Yes. It is an action, as in 'to complete.' Example: "Every day, she completes her homework."

Is the word completely a verb?

Yes. It is an action, as in 'to complete.' Example: "Every day, she completes her homework."

What do you do when you dont know your homework?

You ask someone.The best way to always know is to keep a Homework Notebook where you write down every one of your assignments every day!

What unit of measurement would you use to measure the time per day you spend doing homework?

Hours and minutes would be a sensible measure of the amount of time you spend on homework each day.

What is No Homework Day?

When no homework gets given for the day (WOHO :) )

How can you support your child in education?

ask them what happened in school on an every day bases and see there homework, and also guide them though their homework. Give them love and food and do not neglect them.