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Lumps and Underwire

It may not be breast cancer, but irritation (bruised irritation) from the underwire. Odds are that it is irritation. You may want to put band-aidsor something soft under the wire. Or even get a few different, more comfortable Bras.

A lump under the breast is always concerning if it is under the skin. Even if it is not breast cancer, it could be an early abscess or fibroadenoma. Make an appointment with you doctor or local comprehensive breast center for any breast lump that is new and non-resolving.


Try using dental wax such as the kind used for braces, retainers, etc. Simply place between the underwire and skin to prevent irritation and pressure.

Try sprinkling a little baking soda in the bottom of your bra on a warm day to prevent the growth of fungus and bacteria. Always change a bra that has become damp from exercise. Washing bras frequently will discourage germs from growing.

If you repeatedly get rashes or redness with a new or specific bra consider that you may have developed an allergy to latex or nickel. See a doctor for symptom relief.

If you skin becomes torn, apply Tagaderm to clean dry skin to prevent further damage.

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Q: If you have small painful lumps in your breasts around where the wire is placed in bras could this be breast cancer or something else?
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