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Yes you might be pregnant but sore nipples also occurs during a period

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Q: If you have sour nipples for about two weeks now and you just got some blood could you still be pregnant?
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Hello. Yes you could still be pregnant but because of the amount of bleeding you had, you really need to see your doctor for a blood test to see if you are still pregnant. ANSWER GO and see a doctor you might be having periods while pregnant

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yes. i have had 4 children and never suffered tender breasts with any of them

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if you had a blood test there no doubt about you not being pregnant if you feel you are keep trying but once you take a blood test shows negotive then your not pregnant and might be illusinating

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How can you tell if your pregnant if your overweight?

Even if you are overweight you will still have the same problems of nausea, cramps and hard nipples.

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It's possible to have a period and still be pregnant

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You could go to your doctor and they will do a blood test. Or you could take another home pregnancy test. If it is still positive you might be ok. If its negative you are likely losing the baby

When i squeeze my nipple clear liquid is coming out but I've been gettin my period could i still be pregnant?

Probably not. Getting your period is a pretty reliable sign that you are not pregnant. It's normal to secrete small amounts of fluid from you nipples. If it seems excessive, consult your doctor. Well my daughter is 11 and she has liquid coming out of her nipples what does that mean??

Can you still be pregnant if hcg levels drop?

Alot of reasons can cause that. You could be pregnant and not know and having a miscarriage! Take a blood pregnancy test asap!

I missed my period about two weeks ago and still haven't started Now my nipples hurt Is it hormones or could I be pregnant?

both. you should go and get a pregnancy test; I'm about months pregnant now and when i was about 6 weeks (or 2 weeks past due on my period), my nipples started to get darker and more sensitive. although, it could be stress - but to play it safe, if you have had unprotected sex, go get tested now