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Q: If you have wart on your feet and you jerk someone off?
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How can someone treat a wart be themselves?

Your best bet to treat a wart is use a compound W treatment on it. This will freeze the wart itself and after a couple of treatments the wart will just fall off.

What is the definition of the word jerk?

the definition of jerk is someone being a show off and being cool

How can you prevent bad hygiene?

whash your hands then jerk someone off

How do you soak feet with plantar warts?

You can take your foot and place it in a bowl of warm water for about 30mins, then get some white wine vinegar and put it on the planter wart. repeat every evening until the wart falls off.

In gay slang what is Jo?

Jerk Off/Handjob Jerk Off/Handjob

Is it ok to put White-out on a wart Will it get rid of the wart?

No! Never put any un-prescriptive things on the wart. This only makes the wart worse. SEVERAL WAYS YOU CAN GET RID OF A WART: Peeing on them, freezing them, beetle-juice, or even getting them cut off. After-wards put duct-tape on the wart, it helps it die alone. Ask your doctor for help to get the wart off. DO NOT CUT THE WART YOURSELF!! This would cause a tumor in the foot or arm.

How long does it take for a wart to fall off after the doctor burns it?

After you have had freezing treatment to a wart, it should fall off within 2 weeks. If the wart does not fall off by itself in 2 weeks, then you should visit your doctor so he/she can remove it for you.

How can you remove a planters wart for free?

If you take off a planters wart most of the time it grows back worse. I have a lady that I work with who tried to pick it off and has gotten her wart frozen off at the doctor and payed a lot of money to get it surgically removed and it still is coming back.

What should you do to get your wart off your foot?

If it is a severe wart you should talk to your doctor about removing it. Otherwise just leave it alone!!

Will the freeze off wart med to take off viral papilloma warts off your dogs head?

The wart medication will most likely work on the dog but it is not recommended. The medication is not for dogs, especially on their head.

How does a person remove a wart from his elbow?

you could ask your GP to freeze it off using liquid nitrate or use a wart remover.

Can a wart fall off by itself?

ya dude of course!