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continuously? no. for one month or so out of the blue? yes. Sometimes your body will go through the motions of of throwing out an egg, but one won't go. Hence, no ovulation.

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Q: If you have what you believe is a regular cycle every 28 to 30 days is it possible for ovulation not to take place?
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Can you get pregnant during menses?

Yes you can. Ovulation normally occurs on day 14 of the cycle if the period is regular. However, ovulation may potentially occur at anytime during the cycle and lead to pregnancy.

Can you get preganent on the night before your period?

It depends on your ovulation and your ovulation cycle. Anything is possible, however your most fertile times of the month are usually day 12-17 of your cycle.

What is ovulation and the menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle in human beings, and ovulation is one phase of the menstrual cycle. Each cycle a woman will ovulate and the uterine lining plups-up ready for possible pregnancy, but if she doesn't get pregnant then the uterine lining sheds (menstruation).

How possible is it to know your ovulation period when your menstrual cycle is irregular?

You should visit your gynocologist since irregular periods/ovulation can be very difficult to track.

Is this possible to get pregnant after 20 days from ovulation?

If you have a long cycle like 32 days you could.

What is the youngist you can get pregnant?

Pregnancy is possible once ovulation starts. as soon as you start your menstrual cycle you can get pregnant.

When you see the mucas when will you ovulate?

Ovulation occurs 14 days after the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP), if you are on a 28 day cycle.Since many women do not have regular periods, ovulation may occur anywhere from 10 to 17 days after the first day of the LMP.If you are regular, but not on a 28-day cycle, ovulation will occur at midway through your cycle ie (14th day on a 28 day cycle, 17th day on a 34 day cycle, etc). Remember that this day is according to how many days after the first day of your LMP.

Can ovulation start day 1 after your period ends?

Yes, it is very uncommon but it is possible if a woman's cycle is very short.

How many day does a female ovulate during a monthly cycle?

Ovulation occurs only 1 day out of the month. However, the window that it is possible to get pregnant is 4 days. This is because some sperm can live up to 72 hours and impregnate when ovulation begins.

Is it possible to have regular menstrual cycle and have cyst on both side?


What is a ovulation predictor?

One of the methods to predict ovulation is calendar method. You just check you menstrual cycle and calculate ovulation. e.g. If you have a 28-day cycle, ovulation starts around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. I use this calendar and it helps me to know days of ovulation.

How do you know if you are not going to ovulate?

Ovulation occurs when an egg is released from one of the female's ovaries. It is not always possible to know if you are going to ovulate or not. Most women who have a regular menstrual cycle might have some idea of when they are going to ovulate. Ovulation tests are designed to tell you whether or not you are going to ovulate and some women use them when trying to conceive.