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yes very normal.

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Q: If you just had a miscarriage is it normal to still be bleeding and cramping after a week and the blood has an odor to it?
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You had a day of bleeding now its turned brown you have no cramping is it a sign of miscarriage?

Brown is just old blood, if it was only slight bleeding and no cramping it was unlikely to be a miscarriage, just what is called a 'threatened' miscarriage. Your doctor may send you for an ultrasound scan just to check all is well.

Do you cramp and bleed bright red blood during a miscarriage?

Yes. If you are pregnant and are bleeding and cramping, go to the E.R. immediately. There are other complications that can cause bleeding and when medical help is sought soon enough, it may be possible to avoid miscarriage.

Can you have miscarriage with out the cramping just blood?

Yes, you can. I miscarried last week and had what would be a normal period for me, just dull achy cramps and not super heavy bleeding. Unfortunately, it is so hard to predict what your body will do because everyone is different. If you are not having any cramping, be thankful, it could be much worse.

Is that miscarriage blood after a miscarriage or your period?

The bleeding you experience during a miscarriage is notyour period. It is bleeding due to losing the baby.

You passed a clam sized tissue grey and pink in colur with blood and cramping you went to the doctor but the pregnancy test was negative- could this still have been a miscarriage still?

Yes this was most likely a miscarriage. Especially if you experienced abdominal crmaping & vaginal bleeding. If you didn't experience cramping & bleeding then it most likely wasn't a miscarriage but uterine tissue being released which does happen sometimes - its your uterus way of clearing itself out fully.

You are at the end of your 6th of pregnancy and have a little bit of red bleeding is this normal?

My doctor has told me that a little blood is normal; a lot of blood (like the amount you have with your period) and/or severe cramping is not. If you have period blood and cramping, you should go to the hospital. Otherwise, you're probably okay, but you can ask your doctor about it to be sure.

Can I have Cramping with no bleeding 10 weeks pregnant?

some mild cramping can be expected as your uterus grows bigger ( round ligament pain) but any cramping accompanied by blood should be immediately reported to your doctor. If you are worried call your doctor, that is what they are there for. Cramping during pregnancy is normal hun. But if your concerned or the cramping is more severe than usual for you, then go to ER.

I have had all the symptoms of a miscarriage. was it a miscarriage?

Only your Doctor can truly answer this question. Was you definitely pregnant and was it confirmed by pregnancy test or blood test? If you are/was pregnant and you are now experiencing bleeding, abdominal cramping etc, you should go to A & E, Early Pregnancy Unit or contact your Doctor immediately.

Could you have had a miscarriage if your pregnancy symptoms suddenly disappeared at six weeks and you had light brown spotting and light cramping?

or you could be pregnant. do a home pg test if + see a doctor, if - wait a 1 week after your period id due and test again. It depends by what you mean by "a few weeks ago". If it was in the past 10 - 12 days that you had your period, what you are probably seeing now is the beginning of ovulation for your cycle, so it is probably unlikely that you were pregnant.

What are the classic signs of a miscarriage?

Early miscarriage symptoms may include low back pain, abdominal pain and cramping, or passing of fluid and bleeding. Spotting and bleeding is a normal occurrence for some women during the first trimester of pregnancy. However, a woman who has bleeding should check with her doctor immediately to make sure everything is ok especially when coupled with pain and cramping. Normally the term miscarriage is only used when there is a spontaneous abortion before 20 weeks of pregnancy. Possible signs of miscarriage may be related to infection, hormonal factors, health problems with the mother, or caused by an immune system response. Spontaneous miscarriages usually occur because there are genetic or other serious problems with the unborn baby.

If you are Bleeding brown colored blood and cramping but your baby has a healthy heart beat can you still miscarry?

More than likely you are fine, brown blood is old blood, that usually means that it is ok. You have capilaries by your cervix you could have popped one when you had sex.

You are 2 months pregnant w your second baby now you are experiencing cramping spotting every time you pee last pee came out the slippery fluid followed by the bunch of blood possible is miscarriage?

Symptoms of miscarriage include but are not limited to: heavy bleeding, bright red bleeding, clots, cramping, loss of pregnancy symptoms, dizziness, and abdominal pain. If you feel that you could be having a miscarriage or have any type of bleeding during pregnancy you should call your Dr. If you are having heavy bleeding (more than 1 pad per hour), back/shoulder pain, smelly discharge, yellow/green discharge, or fever you should go to the ER immediately.