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I would be inclined to believe the pregnancy test, but take another one to be sure.

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Q: If you just recently took a pregnancy test which was positive and also took an ovulation test the same day that was saying you were ovulating What is going on Are you pregnant or ovulating?
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Will a ovulation test show positive even if your pregnant?

it should show you are pregnant Hello there. A Ovulation test will ONLY come out positive when LSH....the Ovulating hormone has been found in your urine. Some women do claim to of had a positive Ovulation test during early pregnancy but this information is so inconclusive that its not a reliable pregnancy testing method at this time. To determine if you are pregnant, its adviseable to buy a pregnancy test and see your doctor for a blood test to be certain.

Would an ovulation kit detect ovulation if already pregnant?

If you are pregnant, you would not be ovulating. However, sometimes an ovulation test can be used to detect pregnancy. The test line must be darker than the control line.

Can you use a ovulation test to find out if your pregnant or not?

No. An ovulation test only tells when you are ovulating and a pregnancy test only tests for pregnancy, not ovulation. The tests are designed to detect different hormones/chemicals in a female's urine

If you are ovulating and you take a pregnancy test will it show up pregnant?

NO the only thing that will make a pregnancy test show positive results is if the HCG hormone is detected so if you got a positive result your pregnant your pregnant ovulating has nothing to do with it Good Luck and God Bless!!!

Ovulation predictor with two lines what does it mean?

it means the same for pregnancy. Your ovulating so get ready to get busy with your partner. 2 lines for pregnancy meaning your with child but here it means you can bring your partners army men around for some partying. Have fun!

If you do not ovalate does that mean your pregnant?

Not ovulating is sometimes a sign of pregnancy, but it isn't always. When a woman is just getting off of birth control, it causes lack of ovulation for several months. But, not ovulating can be a sign of pregnancy. Check with your doctor to be sure or take a home pregnancy test.

Can you get pregnant after 10 days ovulation?

You can get pregnant anytime. Your chances are increased when you're ovulating.

How to get pregnant quick?

To pregnant quick you should track your ovulation cycle and have sex when your are ovulating.

What is ovulation and how do you try and avoid pregnancy?

Ovulation is when an egg is released and attaches to the wall of the vagina. (When it is ferilized, this is how someone becomes pregnant.) Every woman ovulates at a different time of the month. You can get pregnant whether you're ovulating or not, but it's way more likely if you are.

Do you have to hit puderty before you can get pregnant?

You must be ovulating to get pregnant. You can have signs of puberty prior to ovulation.

Can the saliva ovulation predictor detect pregnancy?

Hello, Unfortunately a Saliva Ovulation test cannot detect pregnancy because HCG will not be found in saliva. HCG is only detected in blood or urine. ------------------------------------------------------------ Please note this is advice only & is not to be used in place of a Medical experts. ------------------------------------------------------------

How do you tell whether you are ovulating or pregnant?

The clearest indication of whether or not you are pregnant is a positive pregnancy test - these can be taken from two weeks after you had sex - obviously you will also not have menstruated when you were due to start menstruating. Ovulation occurs two weeks before you are due to menstruate and typically you will see symptoms such as fertile cervical mucus and an open cervix. Ovulation and pregnancy are two very different states of being, the two cannot be confused at all.