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Q: If you keep a ladybug as a pet and you are not able to find aphids or mites how long will it survive?
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Related questions

Do lady bugs eat house flies?

Ladybugs normally eat smaller insects like aphids and mites; they probably would not be able to kill an adult house fly; but might feed on the eggs and larvae.

How might you be able to tell an older ladybug from a young one?


How can you tell be able to tell an older ladybug from a younger one?

by there spots

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5 were able to survive from the population.

How long can ladybugs live in captivity?

a ladybug will live in a jar for as long as one to two years if its kept properly,ad no you may not feed ladybugs plant as they eat aphids. although you may be able to keep them alive by giving them moist paper towels and dehydrated fruits

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A species must be able to find food, shelter, and water in order to survive and reproduce. Until a species is able to meet its essential needs, it is not able to reproduce and survive.

The Paleolithic people were able to survive because?

The Paleolithic people were able to survive because they were hunter-gatherers who adapted to their environments by developing tools for hunting and foraging, creating shelter for protection, and forming social groups for support and cooperation. Additionally, their knowledge of plants and animals in their surroundings enabled them to find food and resources necessary for survival.

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Species would survive indefinably in such conditions .

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it must have water and soil to be able to survive

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The Blind Crayfish would not be able to survive outside because the sun will kill them