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It may be better to get a divorce, enjoy your life and actually meet someone worthwhile. Whatever your feelings about your husband are, behaving the same way as him won't give your children (if you have any) a good example. Revenge sex doesn't always work out the way people expect. Years from now, you might look back and wished you had just kicked him to the curb instead of playing the same games. If you still want to stay married, then you can notify him that your marriage will now be "open" for both spouses. At least be honest (unlike him) about what your decision is. Why hit the same bottom of the barrel your husband did! If you have children there should be one of the parents that still has their wits about them and be a mentor. Face your husband and communicate and give him the choice of you or the other woman. If he chooses the latter than immediately seek legal counsel re divorce.

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Q: If you know your husband is cheating is it okay for the wife to cheat?
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Is It Okay To Cheat On Someone?

NO god does not like it very much and you should always listen to god. If you dont god would be god would be angry HECK NOseriously cheating is awful not just because god doesnt like it but the persony ou are cheating on wont like it very much. Lets turn it around so it is on you. you like someone and you find out that they have been lying to you and cheating on you. not very fun!

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Some people think it is okay to cheat for many various reasons. Maybe some people who cheat have not been brought up with strong family values. Some people cheat out of sexual desire. Some people could even cheat because they do not truly care about their spouse or partner. Cheating could also be a form of revenge. But it all really depends on the person and their motive behind cheating.

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Confront her. You need to let her know that it is okay for her to be attracted to girls but it IS NOT okay for her to do anything with girls while you are married, cheating is cheating no matter the gender.

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Cheat Engine will not work on Ubuntu. However you can use scanmem and its graphical frontend GameConqueror.(which resembles Cheat Engine's interface)This does not mean cheating or "hacking" with this is in any way okay!

How do you get your husband to cheat on you?

Why? that is not good for you or your children(If you have one or more) Okay, just be mean and if you really want to end the relationship you should cheat. - You refuse him sex every time he wants it and beat him repeatedly. I'm sure there are many more ways too. you could try putting on weight or cheating on hyim first. but generally people don't like their husbands cheating on them so it isn't an advisable thing to want him to do. :)

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Let me tell you something. I'm going to say this nicely, okay? DON"T CHEAT! It's not worth it. Trust me. You can get through the game without cheating. I should know. I've done it more than once.

Is it okay to cheat in a relationship?

No! Well unless you talk to your husband/wife about it and then they say/decide that you can cheat. Some relationships they marry and then go out and cheat, well go out with someone else, but make sure that you agree with your husband/wife and then tell who ever you go out with and/or marry!No it is never ok to cheat ever.ANSWER:No love it's never okay to cheat no matter if you are married, or in school, or in the job. People who do cheat always pay hefty at the end by loosing the people they love, and loosing trust away from those people..So try not to go there..

Is it okay to use a webkinz cheat once?

It is okay to use a webkinz cheat once. It is fine.

Is it mean to cheat on your wife?

Okay, if she's cheating on you, that's not good, you should go to marriage counseling or something!! BUT, if she's not or you don't expect she is DO NOT CHEAT. That is wrong. God meant for love to be a closed relationship...relationships are also based on honesty, and lying is not honest! NEVER CHEAT.