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depends on the other parent and the one your going to live with

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Q: If you leave one parent and go live with the other can you get your things from the other parent?
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You are 15 and want to change what parent you live with but your current parent is trying really hard to keep you can you leave to go live with the other parent legally in Australia?

The other parent has the file a modification motion.see links

Do children have a right to leave on parent and go live with the other without telling the first parent?

i think that everyone has a right to speak up and leave a parent if you never get to see one life is all about taking risks and if i were you i would take the risk. hope things work out for you they should always have a right!

Can a SIXTEEN year old leave one parents home to live with the other parent?

Not if the court has declared one the custodial parent. Until they reach adulthood, normally 18, they live where they are told to.

Can a 17 year old leave hisher home living with a biological parent and an adoptive parent and go live with hisher other biological parent?

In Missouri and Texas once your 17 you can up and leave, go anywhere you want, so if you live in one of those states, you can, if you don't you'll have to talk to a law enforcer or attorney to see if you can get the custody granted to the parent you want to live with.

Can a 17 yr old leave home in WI to live with the other parent out of state if primary parent doesn't agree?

there may be some legal issues and there may be a custody hearing.

If the child wants to live with the other parent does the parent have to live in that state?

No, but see the related question.

How old do you have to be to live with the other parent?

If the parents are divorced then it is between the parents if the child can go live with the other parent. At age 14 the child can choose witch parent he/she wont's to live with. If that other parent is not willing to let the child go live with that parent then it can be taken to court or just wait till the child is 18 and can go live on it's own.

Can a custodial parent leave a child to live with a non-related non-custodial individual against the other parent's wishes?

this is not a good idea, try and come to some kind of a pleasant arrangement for the sake of the child.

Can someone who has just turned 18 leave his custodial parent's home and go to live with the other parent in another state even though they have not finished HS?

Yes, when you are 18 you may move out even under that circumstance.

If One parent has full custody but child wants to live with noncustodial parent?

They recently changed the laws of custody, No one parent has full custody UNLESS they see the other parent as unstable and unfit. If the parent you want to live with has been deemed unfit as a parent then it will have to be taken to court or you can contact certain child organizations to give you more details about how to leave your current home and return to the home of an "unfit parent" However if one parent obtained full custody of the child and the other parent was not deemed unfit as a parent, you may still live with them because of the recent change in custody laws, stating no one parent can have full or primary custody. (in other words, if your mom has full custody and your dad has none ((Also assuming the father hasn't been charged with being a drug addict, alcoholic, or financially unstable etc.)) you may live with the father)

Can you move out of the country with your kids if you have legal and physical custody of them?

Not without consent of the other parent. In Michigan the Parent with custody has to live with in 80 miles of the other parent, or get written consent from the other parent and get that consent approved by the courts to live outside of that 80 miles.

What would you do if your child wants to live with you and is afraid of saying something to his or her other parent?

We would discuss it with the other parent. The parent has the right to know.