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Q: If you leave to go drive to visit your boyfriend out of state for a night and your parents find out your gone can they call the police to try and find you?
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If he come to the house you are living in and is abusive then you can ask him to leave. If he refuses to leave then call Local Police and explain why you are calling. The Police should then come to the house and talk with both you and the ex-boyfriend. Police will then decide if ex-boyfriend should be arrested or not.

Can you leave your parents at age 17 with out getting in trouble?

You will only be able to leave your parents home at 17 with permission. the parents can call the police if you leave before you are 18.

My mothers boyfriend has gotten her dunk. And he will not leave. Can i call the police to escort him?

If she wants him to leave he has to go if it's her house or if he is causing her harm. Call the police for advice.

In Idaho Can a 17-year-old female leave home to live with her boyfriend without her parents' consent but with her boyfriend's parents' consent to move in with him?

No. There are only a few things that a child can do without parents' consent, and moving in with a boyfriend is not one of them.

Can a 16-year-old female leave home to live with her boyfriend without her parents' consent but with her boyfriend's parents' consent to move in with him?

No. And the boyfriend's parents could very well find themselves facing criminal charges for taking her in.

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If this person is in your house, you should tell him to leave. If he refuses, you can contact the police. However, if he is in her home, there is nothing you can do about it.

Can a 16 year-old girl leave home and live with her boyfriend with parents permission?


If you are 14 and have problems at home can you move out with your boyfriend's parents who will support you?

No. A 14-year-old does not get to decide where they live. If you leave home and your boyfriend

If you are 17 and want to leave with your boyfriend can you do it?

I believe that it depends on what State that you reside in,or if your parents give you permission.

What should I do when my ex boyfriend and I have a baby together but broke up and he won't leave my new boyfriend and I alone?

* Whatever differences you have together you are both the parents of your baby. You should meet your ex boyfriend in a public place and communicate to him that he has a right to see his child, but you do not love him and you are happy with your new boyfriend. It will pain him, but he'll have to accept it and if he does not listen to you and makes any threatening remarks to you or your boyfriend or he is stalking you then get the police involved.

Can the police take you home if you leave at 15?

Of course they can take you home, or put you in a shelter or group home. Until you are an adult, your parents determine where you live.

What happenes if you leave your parents house when your 17?

You get brought back to your home when the police find you! Been there done that!