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Q: If you lift the glass tumbler which is placed over a burning candle to 1cm height what hapens?
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What are the uses of a foot candle?

The footcandle is a measure of the amount of light in a space. For classrooms the amount of light at desk height should be about 50 footcandles. Parking garages reguire about 5 foot candles. 1 footcandle is good for street lighting. A unit of measure of the intensity of light falling on a surface, equal to one lumen per square foot and originally defined with reference to a standardized candle burning at one foot from a given surface.

How do the locksmith tools work?

Each tool works in a different way. However, a lock has what are called tumblers inside and each tumbler is set to a different height depending on the grooves of the key that fits it. Locksmith tools push each tumbler up or down depending on which way they need to go, and then when you get to the back, you can use a second tool to turn the key hole and unlock the lock.

Does a candle has more energy or less energy?

The wax in a candle can be thought of as having energy locked up in the chemical bonds which can be made available for use by lighting the candle. In that way it is "potential energy". In a strict sense, however, potential energy for a candle would be restricted to how far you could drop it in a graviational field. In standard physics, the equation for potential energy P is: P=mgh where m is mass, g is the acceleration of gravity, and h is the height of the object (how far you can drop it).

How does the height a boucny ball is dropped from effect the height it bounces to?

The higher the height the ball is dropped from, the higher the height it will bounce to.

What experiment can show that light travels in a Straight Line?

The precautions are -the holes of cardboard should be at the same height.the height of the candle should be such that it should reach the hole.cardboards should be placed vertically upright on level ground.the holes should not be wide.

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MathWhich of the following does the situation below best describe The height of a candle depends on the amount of time the candle has been burning.?

It represents, approximately, a linear relationship with a negative gradient.

Few facts about the life?

Life is a burning candle. It gives light, never knew it looses its height for ever. Life too..

Two candels are of same height but different thickness are lighted the 1st burns off in 6hrs and the 2nd burns off in 8hrs find the time in which the 1st candle be half the height of the 2nd candle .?

Regard the candles as being of unit height then the first candle's height after time 't' is 1 - t/6 and the second candle's height is 1 - t/8. When the first candle is half the height of the second candle then : 2(1 - t/6) = 1 - t/8 : 2 - t/3 = 1 - t/8 : 1 = t/3 - t/8 = 5t/24 : t = 24/5 = 44/5 hours = 4 hours 48 minutes.

What is the best unit of measurement for expressing the height of a candle?

The centimeter (cm) is best, especially in the Science category.

The volume of wax in the candle shown is 2262 cm 3 which equation can be used to find h the height of the candel in centimeters?

Assuming that the cross section of the candle is the same everywhere (as you go down, or up), the volume is equal to the base area times the height. If you have a way to find out the base area, you can divide the volume by this base area to find the height.

Why candles goes out faster with increased height?

the higher you go with the candle the less oxygen there is and fire needs oxygen or it will go out

Why does a candle burns giving a flame?

We see the light given off as the candle wax burns in the air. Burning is a chemical reaction. When the wax burns, the energy held in the molecular bonds is released as they re-arrange themselves with oxygen, making molecules that are more tightly bound (like falling from some height to lower, that makes kinetic energy). The energy is released as heat and light and in the flame, you see the light and feel the heat.

What are the uses of a foot candle?

The footcandle is a measure of the amount of light in a space. For classrooms the amount of light at desk height should be about 50 footcandles. Parking garages reguire about 5 foot candles. 1 footcandle is good for street lighting. A unit of measure of the intensity of light falling on a surface, equal to one lumen per square foot and originally defined with reference to a standardized candle burning at one foot from a given surface.

How do the locksmith tools work?

Each tool works in a different way. However, a lock has what are called tumblers inside and each tumbler is set to a different height depending on the grooves of the key that fits it. Locksmith tools push each tumbler up or down depending on which way they need to go, and then when you get to the back, you can use a second tool to turn the key hole and unlock the lock.

How do you make a candle tower?

To make a candle tower (if think you mean candle tower as a melted wax tower), it's actually really simple. First, you're going to want a baseboard (I have a cut sheet of plywood as mine) that you wouldn't mind getting a little dirty. As a strong note, this project gets messy over a large area when the wax splatters. Next, you're going to want to get a base to hold the candle (eg. candlestick, old glass bottle, something of that sort). Then you're going to want to get taper candles (any color or height) to stick in the candle stick. Then light the candle! Once the candle has burned down, stick the next one in. From there all you have to do is keep burning more and more candles to your heart's content. Hope that helped! P.S. Watch for overly hot and humid days. Wax does melt when the temperature gets over 95, things will start leaning.

Which candle would burn faster a light green one or a light pink one?

This is an old joke. The answer is "Neither--All candles burn shorter." I'm locking this and moving it to the joke/riddle section. === the long thin pink one. ~Not necessarily, it depends on what type of wax is used, the thickness of the wick, and the amount of wind the candle is exposed to. The green square candle will out burn the other two. The long pink candle will burn the fastest. The green square candle. If you think about it, it all depends on the height of the green square candle, exactly how thin the long thin pink candle is, the length of the long thin pink candle, how fat the short fat red candle is, how square the green square candle is, and the time of the year. It also depends on the stuff that the person who put a ~ before their answer said.

Which burns longer red candle or white candle?

it depends on lenght height width and the thickness and wick put into the candel sometimes their is more chemicals in a white candel than their are a colored candel depending on the brand