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Narcissists are ego-maniacal and self centered so highly doubt he cares what you do, but only wanted to retain control over you. Ignoring him doesn't do a thing to someone such as him and he'll make your life miserable. Get out while you can and don't waste any more energy on this waste of skin! There is A LOT of anguish in trying to make this decision, I know. I was there once. When we are in love, and a bit broken ourselves, all we want to do is make it right - to fix it. My journey took me down a path where I gathered lots and lots of information and personal accounts from those who knew this person longer than I. I met with psychological professionals, pastors, etc.. It became clear how extrememly unlikely it would be (if not impossible) for this person to change - even 'if' he wanted to. That was the clencher. EVEN IF he wanted to. These behaviors are so far engrained in their psychology, it is tantamount to a complete re-wiring of the brain. I was then forced to let go of the biggest and most alluring dream of my life (or so it 'seemed'). No one can make this decision for you. But I would say this - do everything you need to do to ensure you will not look back with regrets. If that means doing more research, soliciting the advice and counsel of those who have your best interest at heart, or going with what your deepest gut is telling you - take that time. From my experience and over one year of digging deep into the matter - 'I' learned trying to help a narcissist is futile and self-destructive. You may come to this on your own. You may not. Just be careful and listen to that still small voice within. Best of wishes, AlwaysLearning

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Q: If you love a narcissist should you try and help him or just give up and ignore him?
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