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If you've never talked to a girl, it's sort of impossible to really love her. Maybe you love the idea of her...but without knowing someone and there being some sort of aquaintaince, relationship, etc; it's really not possible to know for sure that you love her. If it's someone you really care about and want to pursue, you're going to have to talk and get to know her. Think for a second, do you really love her? Do you really want her to be your wife for the rest of your life ? In truth there is no easy way to ask her, first talk to her parents and a good relationship with them, then when you are a good freind of the familey , it will be a lot easier. Make sure that you really love her, and do not just want her for an inaproprite relationship with her.

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Q: If you loved a girl but you were too shy to talk to her what would you do?
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How do you talk to a shy girl if you are shy too?

by getting to no her/him.

What if a boy is shy to talk to a girl?

If a boy is too shy to talk to a girl he can write her love notes, email or text her. You would not want the boys friends to talk to her (that is so tacky)! well you can try taking to the boy

How do you get a girl to like me when im to shy to talk to her?

Talk to her

If your shy how do you talk to a girl if your shy but your friends what do you say?

tell the girl how you feel about her she will like you in the same way!

How do you talk to a girl who is shy?

slap her in the face

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How can you be less shy around girls?

Look I'm a girl and I'm shy. If you are shy like you say try going for a shy girl. Shy girls may not say much - but that doesn't mean that they can't be fun too! Shy girls will probably make you feel more comfortable than a loud girl because they are more like you. IDK. Basically, every girl wants to be loved. I'm sure that you could go up to almost any girl (outgoing, shy, whatever) and put your arm around them and they would love you. Don't be afraid to talk to girls because seriously they are just as afraid to talk to you (unless there really outgoing). Try talking to a shy girl you might just break the ice and she will think that you are really nice!

Do shy guys ask out shy girls?

it depend sometime they so shy they wont even up to the girl and talk to her if you want you can go and talk to him

What are signs of a girl liking you but being shy insecure?

They talk to you, if you tell a joke they probably would laugh at it, yes they would be shy and insecure, smile...all the things they would do while hang with their friends except be shy.

How do you talk to a shy girl in your class while I'm shy as well?

Write her a note

How is a shy quiet girl able to talk loudly in certain situations with or without her crush being there?

Sometimes a guy is to shy to talk so it makes the girl awkward inside.

What to do when you're a shy guy who likes a shy girl?

Well the guy shuld try to talk to her