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You need to notify Welfare of the residency change.

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Q: If you married your child's father would he still have to pay support to the state if you got state help?
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What is the law for a father who live across country and does not pay child support and the mother and father have never been married?

The laws will vary state to state, but if paternity has been established by DNA test or a signed birth certificate and the father is not paying child support, the mother can take him to court for payment.

Your daughter has 2 children is not married to father he does not pay child support can she move to another state?

I think she can, than go after him for support once she moves, she is the bread winner

How much do you pay for child support if the father is not married to the mother?

In the United States child support is based on state child support guidelines. You need to check the guidelines for your state.In the United States child support is based on state child support guidelines. You need to check the guidelines for your state.In the United States child support is based on state child support guidelines. You need to check the guidelines for your state.In the United States child support is based on state child support guidelines. You need to check the guidelines for your state.

Does child support go up if you get married to the father?

That is dependent on your state laws. In California, under certain conditions, it can. see links

In the state of GA if the parents of a child live together but are not married does the father still have to pay child support?

As the father has no assumed rights to the child, he can still be ordered to pay by the courts.

When a child of a married man is wanting to sue him for back child support it has already been confirmed by the state of South Carolina that he is the father what can the child do?

Sue him for retroactive child support.

Can you collect child support if the father is married and doesnt work but his wife owns a business?

The father's wife is not responsible for his children. However, the State may attach assets they own jointly.

In the state of Nevada what are the rights of the biological father if not married to the mother?

Once paternity has been established: 1) pay child support; 2) have reasonable visitation

Can the father get custody if mother leaves to go to another state to work and father keeps child even if they arent married and he is still paying child support?

Yes. He would have to petition the court for custody.

If you are not the biological father of a child but the parent wants child support would you be liable in the state of Nevada for paying child support?

So what relationship are you to the parent or the child? If you were married when the child was born, you are assumed to be the father. Unless someone else is listed on the birth certificate, you're going to be expected to support the child.

If the father of a child gets married and owes back child support can the spouse be obligated to pay his back child support in CA?

An unmarried father cannot "choose" to not pay child support. The laws in every state require that a father pay for the support of his child. The mother must bring an action to the appropriate court so that a child support order can be established. Visitation rights are separate and a father can have visitation rights established by the court. Visitation rights are not dependent on paying child support.

How does a married woman add the father's name to a birth certificate if the spouse is not the father?

First need to determine if it's legal in that state. Currently in New York, an ex-husband is still required to pay child support to the child's mother who is now married to the bio dad.