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Many women have no period on the BCP. Do not stop taking it as directed.

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Q: If you miss your period while on birth control should you wait to start your next cycle until you are sure you are not pregnant or should you continue to take the birth control?
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If you stop taking your birth control because you think you're pregnant should you get your period?

If you're pregnant, then you won't get your period

Can a girl get pregnant right after her period is finished?

Yes, a woman can get pregnant directly after her period. Unless you want to get pregnant you should always use birth control.

Your birth control cycle ended last Friday and your period did not start you took a pregnancy test today and am not pregnant Should you start taking your new cycle of pills tomorrow?

Yes, you should continue your birth control pills as schedule regardless of bleeding.

Should you stop taking the birth control pill if you get your period?

You should continue taking the birth control pill daily as scheduled regardless of bleeding.

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Should you Miss your period while on birth control?

For me, Its up to you. All I can say is that you are not prone to get pregnant when you are havimg your menstrual period. ^_^ For me, Its up to you. All I can say is that you are not prone to get pregnant when you are havimg your menstrual period. ^_^

What if you get your period while on birth control?

If you get your period while on birth control, you should continue using your birth control as scheduled. Bleeding does not change the schedule for taking your pill or changing your patch or ring.

Would you still start your period even if you were pregnant and on birth control?

Women do not menstruate while pregnant. If you are certain you are pregnant, and begin bleeding, you should see a doctor immediately.

Should I stop birth control if my tests came back negative but I still feel pregnant?

Should I stop birth control if my tests came back negative, but I still feel pregnant, but haven't missed a period yet?

If i am taking birth control but i haven't started my period for the month should i be concerned?

You can miss a period when you are the pill and it totally normal do not stop taking your pills!!!! Just take a pregnancy test if it says you are not pregnant then you are not pregnant. Your period should come the next month if seek medical attention.

Can you get preggnant on your period?

No, it is biologically impossible to get pregnant during your period as there is no egg present. BUT it is possible to get pregnant as a result of sex during menstruation, also not all vaginal bleeding is menstruation. Unless you want to get pregnant you should always use birth control.

What happens if you've already conceived when you start taking birth control pills?

You should not be pregnant when you start taking the pills as you start taking them within a week of the start of your period and if you have a period you are 99.5% sure you are not pregnant. However if you are pregnant the pills will have no effect.