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If you have just inserted a row, then pressing F4 will continue to insert new rows.

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Q: If you press f4 will it repeatedly keep inserting rows?
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What key can you repeatedly press to continue inserting rows after inserting a single row with the Insert command?

Click on the Insert Sheet Rows button.

How do you get the rows to line up in excel?

This question is not clear. All rows already are lined up. If you are trying to align the contents of cells, you can highlight the column you want to align and select the same alignment for all rows in that column.

What key do you press to move the active cell to the first cell of the rows?

Press the HOME key.

What key's do you press to move the active cell to the first cell of rows?

Press the HOME key.

How do you unhide row numbers?

Select the rows around the missing ones. Then go to the Format menu, pick Rows and then Unhide. With the rows selected you can also press and hold both the Ctrl and Shift keys and press the 9 key on the main keyboard.

What is the function key used in Excel to repeat the last action when inserting columns and rows?

Nope . It is F4

When inserting a table into a document you must specify?

by default is left alignment, you can change it if you want

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T spacers

What is on the shortcut menu allows you to insert rows between rows that already contain data?

Select any cell in the row where you want the new row to be, press Alt+I (for insert) then press R (for row). To insert a new column at the selected cell, press C instead of R.

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How do you number your rows in Excel?

To number your rows in Excel, put a '1' in the first row, for instance in cell a1, the formula '=a1+1' in the second row, and then copy that formula to each additional row you want to number. Be careful, though, as inserting and deleting rows will mess the sequence up, and you will need to fix it as needed.

Is tabs used in Excel to add worksheets columns and row titles etc?

No. That is a feature of Microsoft Word tables, but not Excel. There are specific options for inserting rows and columns in Excel.