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Q: If you put 20ml of water in a clear transparent glass and add 12 teaspoons of sugar and stir what is the appearance of the solutioin?
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Is transparent clear?

Generally clear glass is transparent.

What is diamond physical appearance?

Depending on the quality of the diamond, it can be clear, transparent, translucent, cloudy or black. It also occurs in colours.

Is clear glass transparent?

Generally clear glass is transparent.

What is a transparent material?

Clear glass and clear plastic are two examples of transparent materials.

What are clear diamonds?

diamonds that are clear -- that are transparent.

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What is the Greek word for clear or transparent?

"Transparent" is "διαφανής" ["diafanis"].

Is plastic opaque or transparent or translucent?

Clear plastic is transparent.

What 2 properties is the difference between clear transparent quartz and clear transparent calcite?

Hardness and Streak

What is appearance of the solution?

A definite qty. of substance is dissolved in definite amount of solvent solution should be clear.

Clear transparent opaque?

Clear and transparent are the synonymous. A transparent material allows light to pass through. Opaque, on the other hand, do not allow light to pass through

What are the transparent object found in home?

Transparent means you can see through it. Window glass, a clear drinking glass, a clear sandwich bag, plastic food wrap, a clear soda bottle, all are transparent.