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I am not a psychologist so don't take my answer as a professional advise. I am however, a guy who has some experience in what you are asking. This is how it works for guys. Men are somewhat weird when it comes to relationships. We like to feel wanted, desired, admired, etc..etc.. but MUST importantly we like the challenge. By you admitting to him that you like him you have already taken the "challenge" out of the equation, and he is no longer interested because he knows that he can go with you ANY TIME, HOW does he know that??? you just told him that..... I know it sounds complicated because when you like a person the most reasonable thing to do is to tell them... right? But relationships are funny and when you like a person that is the last thing you admit. I am not saying that you have to stop liking this guy, you just have to learn how play the "relationship game" There is good news though !!!! you have not lost the battle. As a guy I will let you into the guy's brain and tell you this secret. We like women that are smart, funny, and original. Women that take care of themselves intellectually, spiritualy, and that make their own decisions. Not the ones who follow the crowd. I can almost reasure you that if you "all of the sudden" seem to not care whether he exists or not, he will notice that and again starts noticing that there is a wall "challenge" and he will be interested in you, and flirt with you..... when he starts flirting with you though..... DO NOT PUT THE WALL DOWN.. I would recomend this book to you.. "The Five Love Languages of Teenagers" Good luck

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Q: If you really like a guy and he has told you he likes you why does he find it easy to flirt with other girls but not with you?
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How can you tell a guy likes you when he is a big flirt with girls?

If he's into you, he'll flirt with you in a way that he doesn't flirt with other girls. Another sign is that he'll flirt with you the most and if this guy really likes you, he'll either ask you out or be rude or kind, it depends on what kind of guy he is.

How do you know if a big flirt really likes you if he flirts with other girls too?

Well he could like you but he might like other girls to.

I know he flirts but what does he do if he really likes you?

Does he flirt with other girls? He might not be there just for you, cupcake. If he doesn't ask him if he likes you. if he does flirt with other girls you will know if it is you who he likes because out of all the others you will receive a different type of flirt like if he's always playing with them when it comes down to you it would be different he would play wit you but add on a little talking or hugging etc.

Do boys like girls who flirt with other guys more than they flirt with them?

No, no one likes to be ignored.

How can a girl tell if a guy is just a huge flirt or if he likes a girl?

you can tell when you see how he treats all the other girls, but the one he really likes he treats differently.

If a guy likes you will he flirt with other girls at the same time?

Not if his feelings are genuine...

How can you tell the difference between someone who likes you and someone who is a really big flirt and if they are just a flirt and you like them what should you do?

The difference between the guy actually liking you, and him being a flirt is simple. Does he flirt with other girls, stare at other girls? If hes a flirt, dont waste your time on him. He is probally a player and they are big jerks. Forget about him and move on, girls can do so much better then that and you can too Hope That helped

There is this guy that I like and he asked me out what do I do?

Well from my perspective,if you think that he's a good,charming guy,then yeah,you should date him.But if he is a flirt and likes to flirt with other girls,then no.

How do you know when your ex-boyfriend likes you?

he will try and flirt with you and might also make you jealous by flirting with other girls when your around.

How do you know if he likes you if he flirts with other girls when you are there and what do you do when he flirts with others when you are there and when they are gone flirts with you?

He is probably just a flirt than... sorry :(

Im 11 and going out with the cutest 11 year old but there are so many other girls that like him and always flirt with him..HELP?

It happens a lot just wait till you get older it gets worse sweetie... but if he really likes you a lot he won't flirt with them back.. I (: Ash :)

How do you know if a guy isn't really that into you?

If you see him being a flirt with other girls. there are a lot of different thing to look for.