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It depends on the type of repair. If it was damage caused by the tenant the landlord may refuse to make repairs as long as they do not relate to safety.

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Q: If you rent can a lanlord refuse to make repairs even if yoi pay rent on time?
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How much does a landlord make?

Dependse on age of home(repairs and maitanence) and mortgae. Many pay out of their pockets. But if house is payd off, aproccimatly 25% for maitanance and repair, minus tax and insurance and the remaining is for Lanlord.

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Are you grant funded to make repairs.

Can landlord refuse to do repairs that's in contract and charge more rent?

no it is against the law contact the sherriff, the board of health and a lawyer asap make sure to make notes of all repairs needed and write down/tape all conversations with landlord with exact times/dates and witnesses if any and make copies of any papers from landlord to show to sherriff

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not in any state. To get repairs, the tenant needs to give the LL 30 days to make any repairs. If not done, the tenant is to call licensed contractors who do the kinds of work done that the tenant needs done. THE tenant pays the contractor and gets a receipt. The tenant gives a copy of the receipt and any remaining rent [gross rent minus that amount paid for repairs] due to the landlord.

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Luckily, it can. When it repairs it can get even stronger. This is the concept of working out, tearing muscle, and building it back up to make it even stronger.

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A great idea is to look in your local telephone book for repairs in your area. You could even look on or a directory services online to find emergency repairs in your area.

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““How and where can I find a government grant to make repairs to my aging father 's home.””

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No. I refuse.

Is homeowners depreciation check's purpose to cover repairs?

No. depreciation is compensation for a loss of value. You can make repairs or do whatever you choose with it.

Do I have to use a licensed contractor to make repairs on my home if their is a mortgage?

Yes and No. No you don't need a licensed contractor if you are only doing minor repairs like painting a room or putting in new carpet you don't need a licensed contractor to make the repairs.

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NO, antique dealers sell antiques. If you need repairs you can take them to a specialty repair person who specializes in antiques and can make repairs while maintaining the integrity of your piece.