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it is going to waste air conditioning it akes air you cooled and puts out of the conditioned space

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Q: If you run the bathroom air vent will it help cool your house or waste the air conditioning?
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Related questions

Boiler to cool house?

Boilers heat water. They are not made to cool anything. To cool a house you need an Air Conditioning Unit.

How many degrees can you cool a house with air conditioning?

20 degrees

How do you keep cool without air conditioning in a house?

Swamp cooler, fans, ceiling fans.

Is it better to run your air conditioning in your house with your windows open or closed?

Closed! If you leave the windows open all the cool air will go out the windows, and your house won't get cool.

Why you use AC in your house?

because in the summertime it gets really hot, and Air Conditioning is an easy way to cool the house off.

How long does it take to cool down a house after turning on air conditioning?

The amount of time it takes to cool down a house after turning air conditioning on would be dependent upon a number of factors. Some of those factors include the size of the home, insulation and outdoor temperature.

What other thing apart form air conditioning could be done to keep a house cool?

Dry Ice

What is wrong with your air conditioning when it will not cool the house down?

simple, its broke and you need to send it to a shop to get it fixed or to get a new one

Where can one obtain a house fan?

A house fan can keep a home comfortable for less than the cost of air conditioning. Whole house fans can be found at Fan Man, Quiet Cool Fan, and Whole House Fan.

What to do when your window air conditioning unit blows cool air but not getting house colder?

You should gets a couple of plug in fans and place it around your house, to get your air circulating. Then turn on the a/c.

What is the difference between air conditioning and refrigeration?

'One stores food and the other keeps your house cool!

Is air conditioning to keep you warm or cool?

It keeps you cool, and heating is to keep you warm.