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The Raven because an "unkindness" is the name for a group of ravens (like a flock)

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Q: If you saw an 'unkindness' which famous Edgar Allan Poe poem would you think of and why?
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Well..I'm not really sure. I don't think he books but i think he wrote 4 books.

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No, the word "redrum" is not used in any work by Edgar Allan Poe. It is actually a fictional word created by Stephen King and popularized in his novel "The Shining."

What movies are from Edgar Allan Poe's poems?

At least two. "The Raven" and "The Conqueror Worm."he mad the raven & i think like 1 other one !

What point is Edgar Allan Poe trying to get across in 'The Cask of Amontillado'?

Edgar Allen poe is an amazing author. I think he did not imply a moral to the story. I think this because, he said he was wronged, but he never said what Montressor did to him. So he tries to not let you be on either one of their sides.

What are 15 words to describe Edgar Allan Poe?

I can think up eight in a short period of time: Dark, Imaginative, Perturbed, Loving, Melancholy, Compelling, Macabre, and Captivating.

What major topic do both Edgar allan poes the philosophy of composition and Stephen kings on writing address?

think ans yoi wil;l gret oiytk

What did people think about Edgar Allan Poe's writing?

People admired Edgar Allan Poe's writing for its dark themes, intricate plots, and evocative language. His works were seen as innovative and have had a lasting influence on the mystery, horror, and detective genres. However, some critics also found his writing to be too morbid or focused on macabre subjects.

Edgar Allan Poe was noted for his?

Edgar Allan Poe was noted mainly for his short stories and poems, although he did write several plays. Most often, when we think of EAP, we think about his dark personality, and the horror that he was able to convey through his stories and poems. One of his most popular poems was 'The Raven'. Also, he was known as one of the very first truly American writers, and the founder of the Science Fiction and Mystery genres.