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Contact a local attorney for state/case specific advice.

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Q: If you signed one contract and your co-signer signed another contract can the car be returned since you didn't sign one binding contract together?
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Related questions

What happens when my cosigner doesn't want to be my cosigner anymore?

The contract cannot be changed without refinancing, your cosighner is stuck with it unless the loan is paid off one way or another.

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They normally contract together.

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Contract is another work for shrink, or pull together.

Can you replace a cosigner for an apartment with another cosigner?

Typically, replacing a cosigner on a lease would require approval from the landlord or property management company, and they may have specific criteria for accepting a new cosigner. It's best to contact the landlord or property manager directly to discuss the possibility of changing the cosigner on the lease.

Can the lender put a lien on another car if a cosigner refuses to pay another car loan?


Can you get another loan without a cosigner?

Yes, if you have a good credit score.

Does having a cosigner lower the interest rate?

The cosigner can be held responsible for the loan if the original signer does not repay. Thus, the creditor has another means of access to the money, similar to collateral, and thus the presence of a cosigner lowers the interest rate.

What is conjunction ticket?

it a ticket issued to a passenger concurrently with another ticket which together constitute a single contract of carriage.

How do you get your name off of an auto loan that you cosigned on if other party cannot get another loan and has nobody willing to take over as cosigner?

A cosigner cannot be removed from the debt obligation except by a refinancing of the loan without the original cosigner's participation.

Can you be a co-signer with no job?

You can, but the more likely scenario is that you will be listed as the primary and the person who can pay will be the cosigner to secure the loan. If you are hoping to secure the loan for another party as their cosigner, it is not likely to happen. Unless you are fabulously wealthy, and can provide evidence of this to the lender, you will not be accepted as a cosigner.

Can someone be a cosigner for an apartment if they live in another state?

Whether or not an apartment complex would allow someone from another state to become a cosigner would be up to them to decide. They have the right to set their own rules in regards to who would be allowed to cosign.

How do you remove a cosigner from a credit card?

The way that can be accomplished is determined by the terms of the lending agreement. Very few, if any lending institutions would allow an account to be amended. The usual procedure is for the account to be closed leaving the original cosigner still responsible to the debt incurred up to the time of closure. The primary holder can then open another account on there own or with another cosigner.