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I think you are a little young if it is your first

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Q: If you start your birth control before you got your period for the first time does that reduce the effectiveness?
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Can mixing birth controls reduce the effectiveness?

No, using two methods of birth control increases effectiveness or leaves effectiveness unchanged.

Can Fluoxetine reduce the effectiveness of birth control?

There are no known drug interactions between fluoxetine (Prozac) and birth control.

Can amoxicillin cause cramping and spotting?

Yes, antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of the birth control causing breakthrough bleeding

If you are on birth control and you are taking anitbiotics can you get pregnant?

Antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of birth control. You should use a backup method like condoms.

If you stop taking the pill the week after period can you get pregnant?

Yes. Even missing one day of the pill will reduce the effectiveness of the pill. If you missed a week, the effectiveness of the pill increases a lot. I would recommend using a condom or other form of non-hormonal birth control for the next month (as it will take a month for the pill to be at 99.99% effectiveness again.

If you forget to take the pill for a week after your period can you get pregnant?

Yes. Even missing one day of the pill will reduce the effectiveness of the pill. If you missed a week, the effectiveness of the pill increases a lot. I would recommend using a condom or other form of non-hormonal birth control for the next month (as it will take a month for the pill to be at 99.99% effectiveness again.

Does singular reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills?

No Singulair (montelukast) has no effect on birth control pill. It can be taken at the same moment (or in the same day) regularly.

Can the drug ketorolac reduce birth control pills effectiveness?

There are no known drug interactions between ketorolac (toradol) and combined or progestin-only birth control pills.

What medications reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills?

antibiotics are one of the most common medicines that counter the effects of birth control. there could be others. you should speak to your doctor.

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What is Pre-combustion Automobile emissions control?

the control measures taken before combustion to reduce pollution

Erosion can influence and reduce the effectiveness of?

The water cycle.