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Yes, it's better than if you didn't stop using it at all that is. BUT, I've had numerous procedures and they tell me 5 days is the magic number for some reason. It is a blood thinner and they don't want people bleeding during surgery for check with your doc or a nurse to see if 48 hours is ok to be sure.

Diane :)

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Q: If you stop taking ibuprofen 48 hours prior to surgery are you okay?
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Ibuprofen is a blood thinner, just like aspirin and ideally should be avoided 2 weeks prior to surgery. Acetominophen (Tylenol) does not have that effect and can be taken instead. Incorrect. After taking ibuprofen, unlike aspirin, blood platelet function returns to normal in about 24 hours. Ibuprofen should be discontinued at least 24 hours before surgery. I am a physician, and I have discovered that many surgeons are unaware of the difference between aspirin and ibuprofen with regard to platelet function.

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Patients are usually advised to discontinue taking aspirin and any other medications that thin the blood for two weeks prior to surgery.

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No, you can not. ibuprofen is classed as a NSAID. Others in this class are Aleve, Naproxen, Advil, Celebrex. Neither can you take any blood thinners such as coumadin (warfarin). You must discontinue use for 7 days prior to surgery.

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No. Follow the directions on the bottle. You're supposed to take the drink just a few hours prior to the test. Taking it 24 hours prior won't work.

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Always consult your surgeon or surgeon's nurse PRIOR to taking any medication, prescription or otherwise. Most surgeons recommend stopping meds at least 7 days prior to surgery; however, depending upon the type of surgery to be performed and the necessity of taking the medication you are requesting your doc may advise you to continue your medication.

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2 weeks prior to surgery, a week is ok but stop as soon as possible, I found out I was having surgery in a week and I obviously wasnt informed about not taking any advil and such a week before so its ok. Absolutely NO meds in you within 24 hours of surgery, unless the drug is approved by your doctor.

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Patients should not eat or drink anything for the eight hours before the scheduled time of surgery.

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Patients taking blood thinners also must check with their physician to find out when they should stop taking the medication before surgery.