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until you cant feel it moving anymore

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Q: If you swallow a living fish how long can it survive in your stomach?
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Is it possible to poop out a live fish?

One must first swallow a fish live. Then the fish must pass through the acids in the stomach, travel the digestive trackt and cope with more very heavy acids and alkalies before being packed and compressed with other faeces into a tube. Then it has to survive being pushed through a very narrow constricting opening. No, I don't think the fish would survive somehow.

Does chlorine kill fish?

Yes, chlorine can kill fish. Fish can swallow it. Yes, chlorine can kill fish. Fish can swallow it. Yes, chlorine can kill fish. Fish can swallow it.

Does a dolphin swallow fish whole?

Yes, they do! A dolphin has 3 stomachs actually and they keep the (partly live) fish before they actually digest it in stomach 2 and 3.

How do fish adapted to survive in their environment?

they adapt by just living with it and get used to it

Why does fish swallow water all the time?

It is not swallowing the water (swallow means passing it to its stomach), it is gulping as part of the process of passing water over it gills. The motion you see as swallowing is in fact the fish breathing. Obviously therefore it does this all the time.

What is a swallow a bird or fish?

A swallow is a bird.

Can a fish live with hook in stomach?

are you pissed.of course no. A hook in the stomach doesn't spell certain doom for the fish, of course it will die eventually but looking at shark stomach contents, we can assume fish are capable of living with foreign objects in there stomachs for quite some time.

How do stingrays survive in their environment?

By living in a open water with other fish that helps them live.

What is a job of a clown-fish?

Clown fish have two purposes in life. One is to survive and procreate. The other is to help a certain species of Sea Anemone to survive by living in a symbiotic relationship with it.

Which fish can swallow water to make itself much bigger than its actual fish?

Fish don't swallow water they live in it

What happens if you swallow a fish?

it probibly dies of suffocation if not it dies when it hits your stomach acids either way its sure enough going to die. a whole fish, depending on its size can also be very dangerous for you to ingest due to any unpure chemicals it might have swimmed in as well is the danger of its tiny sharp bones punctuing your stomach lining or even your colon. its probibly best to enduce vomiting right away should you ever swallow a fish.