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If you throw up once a day, the acid from your bile will destroy your teeth, your electrolytes will be off, (causing heart attacks and strokes) and you will get chubby cheeks,(salivary gland swelling), Irritation, inflammation, and possible rupture of the esophagus.

For some girls I know their three meals a day are three small snacks so they lose weight when they throw up... it depends on how much you eat during your three meals. I guess that if you eat small snacks you maybe could lose weight. I know this from having stains on my teeth from having epilepsy and being ill doesn't help you lose weight it just gets rid of a bit off food.

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Q: If you throw up once a day and eat 3 meals a day are you going to lose weight if you are a 5' 2 160 pound 15-year-old?
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