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no you are the good person

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Q: If you told on a friend who was cheating are you a tattle tale?
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What is tattle taleing?

"Tattle-tailing is not so much "Telling on someone" or "Ratting them out." It's more of doing those acts repeatedly.ex. "Jacob keeps telling on people, He's such a tattle-tail!REPLY TO ANSWER: YOU GO GIRL! some one who answered my tatle taling question said somthang that bugged me to heck! Cheak it out my question was: If you told on a friend that was cheating are you a tattle tale?PS: THIS other girl responded after... WHAT A SWEETIE SHE WAS!!!

What is tattle-taleing?

"Tattle-tailing is not so much "Telling on someone" or "Ratting them out." It's more of doing those acts repeatedly.ex. "Jacob keeps telling on people, He's such a tattle-tail!REPLY TO ANSWER: YOU GO GIRL! some one who answered my tatle taling question said somthang that bugged me to heck! Cheak it out my question was: If you told on a friend that was cheating are you a tattle tale?PS: THIS other girl responded after... WHAT A SWEETIE SHE WAS!!!

If you told on a friend who was cheating, are you a tattle tale?

Yes. Tattling is telling even if it's right, and therefore you are a tattle tale. Even if telling is the right thing to do, IT IS STILL TATTLING. RE: don't erase my answer you nut! /Tattle is when someone tells on someone repeadily. (or anyone in general) So if this is a firstt and last,..... then you ain't a tattle! ps: don't delete my answer ever again. RE:RE: Hey I remember answering a question just like this, but theres a different answer now. I wrote "Tattle-tailing is not so much "Telling on someone" or "Ratting them out." It's more of doing those acts repeatedly." ex. "Jacob keeps telling on people, He's such a tattle-tail! now dont change my answer

Who Were told to tattle on each other?

The purtains were told to tattle on the pilgrims

Who were told to tattle in each other?

The prutains were told to tattle on the pilgrims

Who told on his friend for cheating?

andrue popovich

Who does karina zarate like?

she likes Zachary hues ha ha ha ha u tattle tale now i told on u

Who were told to tattle on each other Pilgrims or puritans?

The prutains were told to tattle on the pilgrims

How do you tell a guy his girl cheating on him with out hurting him?

there is no way of telling him without him getting hurt but words from somebody that told a friend her boyfriend was cheating on her she got mad at me and i lost my friend and they are still together there is no way of telling him without him getting hurt but words from somebody that told a friend her boyfriend was cheating on her she got mad at me and i lost my friend and they are still together

What do you do if your best friend told you that your boyfriend is cheating on you but he says no?

You obviously listen to your best friend. your best friend wouldn't lie to you. unless your best friend has a crush on your boyfriend. if he is cheating on you, break up with him because once they cheat, they never change and will cheat on you again. there are plenty of other boys out there, no matter how much he loves you!

What is a sentence using the word tale?

The storyteller told a tale of traditional heroism. The student told such a tall tale the teacher couldn't believe him.

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