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If you walk out on an employer should you still list that you worked for them?

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Q: If you walk out on an employer should you still list that you worked for them?
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Yes, you can list someone as a job reference without their knowledge. It is a normal expectation that if you have worked for someone (or with someone) previously, you can mention that fact, and your former employer (or coworker)should be willing to confirm it if asked.

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It depends on too many factors to list here. For example, the state(s) you worked in, reason(s) for termination, length of time worked in both employments, amounts of money you were paid in wages, whether the employer(s) were covered under the employment laws of the state, etc.

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Simply list them as "current employer" and the reason for not working. i.e., layoff, reduced hours, etc

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Don't list anything. Just list skills and explain to the potential boss of your circustances. An employer wants to know if you can work for them and if you have skills, past jobs don't matter as much.

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It is a good practice to have at least three references ready to provide to an employer. These references should be professional contacts who can speak about your work experience, skills, and character. Make sure to inform your references in advance so they are prepared to speak on your behalf.

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i believe they're still sorting out the list, such making the sequences and HRC should have a copy. still waiting. my first look in the secondary.

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Rather than actually listing an employer as confidential on the resume, it might be wise to make a statement like "Confidential Employer Available" This would give you the option of either revealing or not revealing the employer at your discretion.