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Start lifting weights.Dont lift weights more than half your own weight because it may affect your growth.But dont worry,I "might" be wrong on the weight affecting your growth.Make sure you check it out with your doctor.

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Q: If you weigh 140 and are 5'7 what is the best way to gain muscle mass?
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When you gain muscle do you gain pounds?

Yes, because as the size of your muscle increases, the mass of your muscle increases. And when the mass of your muscle increases, so does the weight.

Will you gain muscle weight if you grow taller playing basketball?

Answer: Your frame size will become larger so you will gain weight, but not from muscle mass. You can gain muscle mass from exercise.

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It is best if you give a muscle group at least a day or two of rest to give time to GAIN the muscle. If you lift every day you aren't going to gain good muscle mass.

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Using your muscles (for example by working out) is the only way to gain muscle mass.

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Yes, in fact, this is basically the main thing that helps you gain muscle mass.

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No that is impossible. You cannot gain muscle mass without ever gaining weight.

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Gaining muscle mass is gaining size, as opposed to strength, in the muscles.

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"True Mass is a high calorie, high protien supplement intended for body weight gain. However, according to Livestrong, using True Mass to gain muscle may be very beneficial and safe."

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It may cause a gain in lean muscle mass

Do you gain muscle by stretching?

No. It will help manage new muscle mass keeping you flexible but it doesn't directly affect muscle growth. Train for strength and eat for mass.

Can you gain muscle mass after fifty?

yes you can, the main reason people lose muscle mass is because they do not work out. Increase your protein in take

What is the best drink after weights?

Drinkin Whey Protein right after lifting weights is very benificial to the amount of muscle mass you gain from working out.