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You cannot be sued twice for the same debt or sued again on a debt that has already been reduced to judgment. By law, a judgment can stay on your reports for the term of the judgment or the 7-1/2 years, though most will come off in the usual time frame. If the judgment remains unpaid and valid, it could be put back on your reports. A judgment creditor can still summon you to court for a debtor's exam on an unpaid judgment.

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Q: If you were in the credit bureau for more than 7 years for a judgment and it was deleted can the company come back and try to put you back in the bureau and try taking you to court?
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What will happen if you dont paid your credit card bills?

Your credit card company will report you to one of the three credit agencies, Experian credit bureau, Equifax credit bureau, and TransUnion credit bureau.

When an account is deleted from a credit bureau do the other credit bureaus automatically delete it too?

only if you and your lender report it to the other bureaus

Can a judgment be reported to more that one credit bureau?

Yes a judgement can be reported to more than one credit bureau and is usually reported to the three major credit bureaus (equifax, tranunion & experian)

What does it mean if a credit card company enters a judgment on you?

It means that you have that on your credit report for 8 years and that they have the right to collect the judgment from you.

How do you register a company in a credit bureau?

Contact Dunn and Bradstreet they will provide your company a rank

How do you report someone who owes you money to the credit reporting agencies?

If you are not a company that reports unpaid debts to the credit bureau's, you can turn the debt over to a collection agency who does report. The other way is to obtain a judgment against them and it will automatically be reported by the courts.

You had a judgment deleted from your credit report due to a misunderstanding with the credit bureau how many points will your credit score increase?

It depends on other factors of your credit report--but I have seen personally a FICO score increase 140 points once a judgment has been removed. Here are the scoring factors and their weights on a FICO scores: Payment History 35%, Amount of Credit Owing 30%, Length of Credit History 15%, New Credit 10%, and Type of credit in use 10%. Because these factors are considered, it depends. I would say from 50-150.

When a credit card company is awarded a judgment can you include this judgment on a Bankruptcy in CA?

The short answer to this question is YES.

What is full form jcb?

Japan Credit Bureau. It is a credit card company based out of Tokyo, Japan.

When the credit bureau report updated on a judgment exactly what could they have updated on a judgment that was filed 4 years ago except paid?

If it was not paid in full or settled, the judgment may have been renewed by the judgment holder. Most judgments are renewable and can be kept on a credit report for an undetermined amount of time.