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it depends on what time your period comes on like before u start the pill, you know like beginning of the month (or end) when ever it came on before you got on the pill Hello. When you stop birth control pills you will first have a withdrawal bleed which can be very light, spotting or look exactly like your normal period. This is caused by the hormones combined in the pill, being released from your body. Once there released and your body begins adjusting to being without the pill, you have break through bleeding. It does take three months for the pill to be completely out of your system. When you expect your period is different in every woman. Some women have two periods in the first month of stopping the pill. This is the withdrawal bleed and the normal period. While other women have scanty periods for the next few months. It all depends on how quickly your body adjusts to being off the pill.

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Q: If you were on the mini pill for 1 year and have been off for 2 weeks how long should it take before you get your period?
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They count pregnancy from your last menstrual period not from when you actually had sex and conceieved. So if its been 5 wks since you had sex and got pregnant but you had your period like a week before that then you'd be 6 weeks pregnant. Or if you started your period 2 weeks before you had sex then you'd be 7 weeks pregnant.

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Depends on timing. If your period finished a day ago, you have a whole month to find out, but if it's been three weeks since you had your period, you'll notice the absence before the symptoms. 

Can an obgyn find out if a female is pregnant two weeks before your missed period?

Possibly. Assuming you conceived just after your last period, and it's been two weeks. But really, such tests are hardly worth doing until you've had the first indicator, which is the missed period.

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It's possible. Stress can cause ovulation to be suppressed, but that would've been two weeks before you were supposed to get your period.

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If you have been using the pill regularly, it can cause your periods to become very light or stop all together. If you have not been on BCP and your period is 2 weeks late you should find out why your period is late before taking a drug to make it start.

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Yes you should seek medical advice.

Are you pregnant if you bled 2 weeks before your supposed to get your period. Ive been on birth control for 8 months now.?

It's possible. You should wait 14 to 16 days after you had sex to take a home pregnancy test.

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Wait until you have had your period, and then begin taking the new pack the Sunday after your period is done. Good luck!

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If you have been on the pill for over 4 weeks then perform a pregnancy test 3 weeks after you last had intercourse. If you've recently started birth control, you need to continue taking your pills as normal but you need to use a condom for 4 weeks to prevent pregnancy. The same applies to the above.

Been bleeding for two weeks what is this never had it before before?

where abouts have you been bleeding