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You'd be able to ask the doctors that when they take you into hospital.

Lean meat contains loads of Protein, some minerals, but few vitamins, and hardly any Carbohydrates. So your body would deteriorate from vitamin deficiencies, and you would feel lacking in energy as you'd not be taking on any energy.

Or to put it another way, if you kept an animal on a diet like that for 6 months, you'd be getting a visit from the police for cruel treatment.

Eat a sensible balanced diet, which as well as that lean meat, includes pasta's rice, bread, fruit and vegetables, and you'd feel really good and healthy, you'll be less likely to get ill.

More on question; Does anyone know the basic exact compounds that breakdown in the body without a balanced diet? -relating to question-. What organs and how etc are affected?. Types of energies affected( or any good websites with info) Thanks

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Q: If you were to eat nothing but lean meat for 6 months what would the effects be on your body?
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