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Q: If you were to repeat van helmont's experiment how would you improve it?
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Technical proof of telepathy?

As with any scientific experiment, you would have to observe it happening many timers, and know thsat you could repeat it.

How do you make an accurate experiment?

To make an experiment more accurate you would have to repeat the experiment 3-5 more times to make it reliable and also you would do what Liverpool college do and compare the answers with other people in the class, community or teacher.

What is everything you would need to put together a science project?

You need a question. You need to make a hypothesis based on this question. You need to design an experiment to confirm or deny the hypothesis. You need a list of procedures to carry out the hypothesis. You need a list of your tools and materials used in the procedure. You need to know how to interpret your results. You need to publish them with a discussion about where errors occured and how to improve upon the experiment. Wash, rinse, repeat.

When you make a conclusion about an experiment what must you also at consider?

The Accuracy of the results.The Validity of the experiment (does it work as planned and actually reflect your question)The Repeatability. (if you - and especially others - cant repeat it then it is not valid conclusion)Possible Variables that would effect the result.

What does standardized?

Standardized means that the controllable variables are brought to the same value. For example, you would standardized an experimental protocol over multiple runs of the experiment by writing it down step by step then following it to the letter every time you repeat the experiment.

Why would you do repetition in an experiment?

Religion is important during an experiment because it tells you if the results are consistent. If you didn't repeat portions of the experiment, than you wouldn't be able to gain accurate results.

What does recommendation mean for a science fair project?

A recommendation for your science fair project is basically ways to improve your science fair project. Some questions you could answer are: What would you do if you had more time? What would you make different? What would you take out?

Why must scientist keep data on a experiment?

So that they won't mistakenly repeat experiments and waste time. Not keeping data would prevent us from ever advancing anything.

How could you make more accurate predictions?

To make an experiment more accurate, repeat the experiment several times. If you do it 5 times there could be one or two anomalous, however do it 10, 15, 20 or 100 times you would find that about 95% of your results say one thing and that 5% say another, then your experiment will be dead accurate.

What part of speech is to experiment?

To experiment is a verb. An experiment would be a noun.

What do you call something you experiment on?

Control and Experiment group is what you would normally have in an experiment

What would make a experiment invalid?

If you did the experiment wrong