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That really depends. It mainly depends on how they arrived at that figure. If they calculated that based on the date of your last menstrual period (LMP), then the actual date of conception would have been closer to the 21st of April plus or minus a couple of days. If that figure was calculated from an ultrasound scan, then the date of conception would probably be closer to the 7th of April plus or minus a couple of days. Aj :)

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Q: If you were told on May 14th you were 5 weeks 2 days pregnant Could you have conceived on April 26th or 27th?
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At 6 weeks pregnant i had a natural miscarriage and bled for 7 days bleeding started April 6th i had unprotected sex on April 18th19th 20th and 26th could i have conceived this soon after miscarriage?

Yes you could have.

Last menstrual period- april 6th . supposedly conceived april 20th . is it possible I could have conceived march 23rd which was 2 weeks before my lmp?

Yes, that is possible. You can still have a period while pregnant, thought it usually looks like spotting or gets lighter. You could have also conceived while on your period. I hope I helped!

If you conceived on April 17 what will be your due date?

somewere at the end of Jan or first week if feb women are pregnant for actually 4o weeks

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Yes. Your baby was on his/her way before April 11. If you're 6 weeks pregnant, you conceived around 4 wks ago (doctors start counting weeks from your last period). BUT it still isn't April 24...

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If you just found out that you are 11 weeks and 5 days pregnant you would have conceived approximately 11 weeks and 5 days ago

How many weeks are you pregnant after your conceived?

Most women deliver between 37-40 weeks after conception

How many weeks are you if you conceived on April 20th?

As of 5/24/12, you would have been conceived for a month and four days.

When you go for a ultrasound and the doctor tells you that you are twenty weeks does that mean you conceived twenty weeks ago?

No. Your due date is calculated from two weeks before actual conception. You are actually pregnant for 38 weeks. You conceived 18 weeks ago.

When your ultra sound says 6 weeks 5 days when did you conceived?

4 weeks and 5 days from scan, the first two weeks you are pregnant if the weeks which you are ovulating, technically you are not pregnant then but you still have a egg

How many weeks is a pregnant women if the baby was conceived on february 14 and today is may 1 2014?

May 2nd will be 11 weeks

If the ultrasound says 6 weeks are you really pregnant 4 weeks?

It means it is approximately four weeks since you conceived, but six weeks since the start of your last period. Pregnancies are dated from the latter date, so you wouldn't say you were four weeks pregnant.

You are 7 weeks pregnant when did you get pregnant?

she would have conceived 3 weeks prior. so Jan 17. even if you didnt have sex on this day, if you had sex within the few days prior, the sperm could live until you ovulated on the 17th.