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No, it doesnt mean you're gay, because if you like girls then ur straight. However, it also means that you COULD be gay. Depends on how you like guys and girls sexually. Since you're 14, i say give yourself time to figure out which you like first so the best answer to say would be that you haven't hit puberty.

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Q: If your a 14 year old guy and you like girls but don't obsess like other guys does that mean your gay or just didn't reach that point yet in puberty?
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will if he didnt like her then he will not talk to her not pay attention and he would go out with other girls will if he didnt like her then he will not talk to her not pay attention and he would go out with other girls will if he didnt like her then he will not talk to her not pay attention and he would go out with other girls

What is a guys puberty?

A guy goes through puberty just like girls. Guys develop deeper voices, and pubic hair and some other things.

Who starts puberty first?

Boys definitelyBecause even though they think it's harder because they don't talk about it, it is still harder for girls because we don't want to talk about it either but we are FORCED to talk about it and it is SOOOOOO gross. Also when puberty is over for boys it is ALL over and done with but even when girls' puberty is over we STILL have to get periods every month. Another thing boys only have one change, which is puberty, and when it is over it's over. On the other hand girls have two changes, puberty and menopause, and when puberty is over, as previously stated, we STILL have to get periods every month AND we don't get off the hook there because we STILL have menopause coming!!! ==True... you do get periods after, but can you imagine having to shave everytime you wake up from a nap? how much of a pain when you wake up every morning with a stiffy?Girls have to shave their legs and armpits. true, not as often but it is that + periods. Also, if you want to have a kid the normal way you have to get pregnant... guys don't. Also can you imagine how painful period cramps are?

When does puberty start for ADHD girls?

just like every other person, between 10 and 12 years of age

Why are people obsess with other people?

Maybe they are obsess because they like the person..Or they are just jealous of the person because the person has something they don't or the person is better looking then them..

Why do blind girls attain puberty early?

Puerty has nothing to do with eyesight, but it all is determined by hormones. The body determines when the right hormones are released and puberty starts. Other body functions do not affect this process.

What is puberty and what must you do to attain it?

Puberty is when a child grows into an adult. Many changes occur such as: * Enlargement of the genitals (guys) * Development of breasts (girls) * "Wet" Dreams (guys) * Beginning menstrual cycles/periods (girls) * Acne (both genders) * Other stuff (research it) There is no "set" age to begin puberty and you can't "attain" it. It just happens as you grow into an adult.

When does a girl develop pubic hair?

Pubic hair begins to grow once you start puberty. It is usually one of the first signs to the individual that he or she has begun puberty. Puberty differs for everyone but on average begins at around 10 for girls and 11 for boys.

Will girls like me even though I haven't hit puberty?

Yes, they should do unless you annoy them. Just because you have not yet hit Puberty is no reason for them to dislike you. Just act normally like the other boys and hopefully you will see that they like you.