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That depends on various factors which includes your current weight and length. Repost your question with this information.

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Q: If your anorexic and go back to eating 1500 calories a day about how much will you gain back?
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Is your metabolism messed up if you used to be anorexic and you're now eating around 1400 calories a day and can't stop gaining weight?

If you were anorexic, you probably lost a lot of muscle mass. It will take you a while to build back muscle and muscle is where you burn calories. Try building muscle mass. Eat plenty of calories and specifically 60 to 80 protein grams or more and exercise to build back muscle mass. You really need to get healthy again and you'll only do that by building muscle.

How fast can you lose weight by eating 500 calories or less per day?

If you eat 500 calories a day, or less, you may be condsidered anorexic. That is completely un-healthy and even if you were to lose weight, you would instantly gain it back once you ate regular again...and you would have to eventually eat regular again if you want to live, because eating 500 calories or less is starving yourself to death.

What is anorexica?

Anorexia is an eating disorder. It is classified as a mental disorder witness physical manifestations. A anorexic has an intense fear of gaining weight, so they will cut back on calories and fat and essentially starve themselves and excessively exercise in a desperate attempt to lose a dangerously unhealthy amount of weight.

Should a female regularly eat more calories per day if her period stops for months while eating 1500 calories a day It returns when she eats more and gains back a little weight.?

Almost certainly yes. She also should consider why she wants to diet to the point of amenorrhea (which is way thinner than is attractive or healthy) and consider seeing her doctor so explore the possibility of an eating disorder.

How do I properly count calories?

If you are trying to lose weight than counting calories is a great way too do it. I would say 1500 calories a day is a great place too start. Just look at the nutrition lable on the back of stuff.

Is there a way not to gain weight back after being anorexic?

Sadly, no. After you loose a ton of weight while your anorexic, your body sort of gets used to the amount your eating and that's how you can sustain that weight. Once you start to eat more, you throw your body off track and will gain weight rapidly (or at least a lot quicker than you lost it).

What are the best ways to lose 15 pounds?

Honestly, good ol' exercise and eating less (not anorexic style, but less as in 1200 calories a day instead of 1800). I'm in the process of eating less and exercising (running) and I've lost about 10 lbs. It does take time though... I've been going at it for almost 2 months, so will power is definitely needed. Make sure to eat healthy too, like fruits and veggies (cut back on bread if you eat a lot of that).

How can an anorexic return to a normal diet without gaining back all or more of the weight that they had tried so hard to loose?

They can't. When an anorexic person recovers s/he has to return to a "normal" eating pattern. This will make them gain at least some of the weight back. It varries (the amount of weight gained back) based on the person, how much they initially lost, and how much they recover. They would probably be able to return to their ariginal weight (assuming they began at a normal, healthy weight) or return to a healthy weight.

Where can I find a list of calories in food?

The best place to find a list of calories present in the food you eat is on the back of the label. The "Nutrition Facts" can typically tell you the amount of good and bad calories that are present in the food you are eating. You can also check the food production website for information like this.

What to do if you have become anorexic after pregnancy?

You should go get help immediately. There are plenty of treatment centers and rehabs that are for eating disoders. They (trained medical professionals) can help you get back to health and overcome anorexia. This is very important to do, as you do not want it to begin hurting your child, either.

If you lose 300 calories on a treadmill don't you just gain it back when you eat that same day if your body needs 1500 to 2000 calories a day?

The idea is to burn more calories than you consume. So by burning 300 calories you could technically eat an extra 300 calories and remain at the same weight because you body would on average use 1500-2000 calories to stay alive and to conduct daily functions whether you exercise or not. Do not stick to firmly to 1500 - 2000 calories as the range can vary, those with desk jobs would use 1500 while those with high labour jobs such as builders would need more. I hear the best way to fight the weight is the good old regular exercise. I recall hearing that your body continues working at a higher metobolic rate for upto 24 hours after the exercise, so regular exercise would mean your body is burning more fat than it normally would. Eat healthy + exercise often :D

Does becoming anorexic make you lose belly fat?

Becoming anorexic makes you malnurished and paranoid because you are trying to keep the fact that you are anorexic a secret. Being anorexic also leads to many deaths and mental illnesses every day, but back to your originally question yes it does help you loose belly fat.