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Black holes are invisible to the visible light spectrum and many others because their gravity is so strong it pulls in even light. So in theory yes. But a human body is FAR too light to ever form a black hole.

However, if you define visibility as human perception of it, while we never see light from a black hole, we would notice the absence of light in an area, so even if it were possible to turn your body into a black hole, no one would see you, but the would see a black gap in space where you should be...

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Q: If your body is a black hole are you invisible?
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What is invisible because its gravity is so strong no form of radiation can escape from it?

The Answer is "Black Hole"

What do you do when entering a black hole?

the black hole will imediately suffocate you because of the impact it has on your body

Is blackhole is a black body?

yea-ish. Though what i can say is 'Black holes are invisible.'

When you are sucked into a black hole where are you going and where do you end up?

When you are sucked into a black hole you'll get destroyed. The matter of your body will remain in the black hole.

What would happen to your body if you fall in a black hole?

Your body will feel stretched and your body will stretch harder and form into pieces, that is before you fall in the black hole.

Are the things travel faster than light when they enter inside black hole so they become invisible?


Are blackholes really white?

No, black holes are actually invisible because it can suck it Light as well, so no light can escape from the black hole.

When does the black hole form?

A black hole is formed when a star or other large body collapses on itself.

What does your body do when it is in a black hole?

It explodes! Gory

If nothing can escape a black hole in outer space how can you see photos of a black hole?

The answer is, you cannot see photos of a black hole. You are quite right; not even light can escape a black hole's incredible gravity, so all black holes are completely invisible. It is possible, however, to see long trails of matter that is being pulled into a black hole. The way we detect black holes from earth, however, is by picking up the gamma rays that they emit.

How do you know when there is a black hole?

black holes are invisible because its gravitational pull is so strong even light cant escape from it. so what scientists do is they look at things around the black hole. if there is a black hold near a planet or star that objects orbit will be altered and it will be heating up from the friction of going into the hole.

What happens at the edge of a black hole?

You are referring to the "event horizon" of a black hole. At this point, nothing, not even light, can escape the gravity of the singularity (or black hole). If you were so unlucky to be there, your body would be stretched from the part that is closest to the black hole. Eventually, your body would be one long string of atoms swirling into the black hole. This is called "spaghettification" and is an actual scientific term.