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This could be signs of an infection or sign of early pregnancy

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Q: If your cycles are always regular what might cause a late period that has light bleeding but heavy cramping?
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Is it normal to have 2 menstrual cycles in 1 month?

You may be experiencing some non-menstrual bleeding, which can be normal. Especially if you are taking birth control and have missed a dose or two. Cycles are not always regular, and menstruation can occur every 3 to 8 weeks. If your bleeding continues for more than a week, it would be prudent to seek medical attention.

Is abdomen pain during 1st week of pregnancy common?

yes it is common its just the way that the body is changing after having menstrual cycles. as long as you do not have bleeding that is heavy or like really bad cramping that wants to make you push.

Do the populations of a predator and it's prey often follow regular cycles?

Yes it sometimes does follow the regular cycles

How to stop break through bleeding when not on any pill?

Get on a pill to regulate your cycles Get on a pill to regulate your cycles

I normally have very heavy periods but I've been cramping for 4 or 5 days with sore breasts even longer-only had light blood yesterday black this morning could I be pregnant or having a miscarriage?

This sounds like some of the early signs of pregnancy. Women may experience implantation bleeding and light "menstrual" cramps, as the uterus readies itself for the embryo. If your cycles are regular, use an online due date calculator to see how far along you may possibly be - such as at Then, you can determine if you're far enough along for a pregnancy test. If the cramping is severe and on "each side" of the womb, you may be experiencing an ectopic pregnancy. But if the cramping and bleeding subside, no worries. Just trust your gut, and try not to scare yourself. My first pregnancy had ligament cramping so severe that it would wake me out of my sleep in tears... but it always subsided. And 9 lbs 9 oz of healthy baby followed. So, hold on for a little while, and take a pregnancy test! And be sure to discuss any pains with your midwife, naturopathic doctore, etc.

Is 37 day cycle is a normal period or irregular?

Depends...per WebMD (, "The menstrual cycle is measured from the first day of menstrual bleeding, Day 1, up to Day 1 of your next menstrual bleeding. Although 28 days is often cited as the "regular" cycle length, only 15% of women actually have such a cycle." * A teen's cycles tend to be long (up to 45 days), growing shorter over several years. * Between ages 25 and 35, most women's cycles are regular, generally lasting 21 to 35 days. * Around ages 40 to 42, cycles tend to be the shortest and most regular. This is followed by 8 to 10 years of longer, less predictable cycles until menopause.

Can you have more than one period a month on the pill?

Not necessarily, most likely this "second period" is spotting or breakthrough bleeding. Spotting/ Breakthrough bleeding is bleeding before or in between menstrual cycles.

When does a girls period become regular?

There is no specific age or time when a womans menstrual cycles will regulate, some womens cycles never regulate in fact. Even going through your teens and into your early twenties you will have phases of months or years with regular cycles then out of nowhere as your body changes your cycles can be thrown off. Things such as stress and ill-health can cause irregular cycles too. At very least you shouldn't expect regular cycles until adulthood, early to mid twenties.

Can a person get her mentrual circles while pregnant?

I assume that you mean menstrual cycles, and no a person cannot have menstrual cycles while pregnant. It is biologically impossible to ovulate and menstruate while pregnant, the body shuts down the menstrual cycles once you're pregnant. People can bleed while their pregnant for various reasons, for example hormonal imbalance or implantation bleeding, but not menstruate.

If your due date is December 2 2008 when did you conceive?

Assuming regular cycles, probably around March 16th, 2008. Assuming regular cycles, probably around March 16th, 2008.

Is it considered spotting if youve had a regular cycles but the last one was super light only got any collection when on the toilet?

Hello - Spotting is considered as spots of blood in your underwear or when you wipe. Light bleeding is light bleeding that may or may not require a pad or streaks of blood when you wipe. This can be pregnancy related or caused by a hormonal imbalance.

Is female dog in heat with swollen vulva standing and tied with male but NO bleeding before or now could it be because the other girl is on heat and the male wanted her but couldn't have her?

There are such things as "silent heats." These heat cycles do not present with bleeding (or minimal bleeding that the owner may miss). this is why it is important to know the schedule of your dogs cycles and observe her behavior and males reactions to her