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What your parents are blood wise shouldn't affect what you are. My dad is an AB- and my mum is a B positiive yet I'm an O rhesus positive This isn't exactly true. Blood type is absolutely a congential issue. It is possible for you to have O blood because your mother and your father may have a heterozygous genotype for this trait. They may be IA i in case of your mother and IA i or IB i for your father. If, however, your father has AB blood, then there is no way for you to have O blood since you will have either A blood, B blood, or AB blood.

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Q: If your mother is A positive not to sure of your dad but you know its not O type and both your sisters are also A's and B's can you be an O?
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Mother and father both rh positive what will baby be?

If both parents are Rh positive, the baby has about a 93% chance of being Rh positive as well. However, without knowing the genotype of the parents (i.e., whether they are homozygous or heterozygous for the Rh factor), it is not possible to predict the baby's Rh status with certainty.

For blood groups is it possible for an A positive mother and a B positive father to have an O positive daughter?

Yes, it is possible for an A positive mother and a B positive father to have an O positive daughter. Both A (written as IA) and B (written as IB) alleles (versions of the gene) are dominant over the O (written as i) allele. Therefore the mother could have the alleles IAi, and the father IBi If the daughter receives the i allele from both parents, she will have O type blood. Rhesus positive is dominant, so as long as one of the parents passes on a dominant allele, the daughter will also be positive.

Can a father with o negative blood type and a mother with o positive blood type have an a positive baby?

No. Either the mother or the father (or both) must have type A or AB blood in order for the child to inherit type A blood. Independently of their ABO blood type, either or both parents must also be Rh positive for the child to be Rh positive. In the case given, the baby could be Rh positive since the mother is Rh positive but it could not be type A since neither parent has type A or AB blood.

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yes... both parents may be heterozygous for their specifec genes...

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Is It Possible for a child to have O positive with father A Positive and mother A Negative?

Yes, if both parents have genotype AO.

If the mother is b negative and the father is a positive how is the child o negative?

The mother must be heterozygous b and the father must be both heterozygous b and heterozygous positive.

Can a mother have B positive and father have B positive and have an O positive baby?

Yes it is possible for both B blood type parents to have a child with O blood type. Aside from O, they can also have a child with B blood type.

Can a A positive father and a B positive mother make an AB positive baby?

Yes, each parent has all of the genetic components to produce an AB child, in this instance the A bloodgroup of the father and the B bloodgroup of the mother and, they both are Rh positive .