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You could ask that other person but it wouldn't help. You need permission from the parent you are currently living with to not get your family arrested for kidnapping.

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Q: If your parents are divorced and you live with one in jacksonville Florida but want to move and live with some one else can you have your other parent give you permission to stay with that person?
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Your parents are responsible for you until you reach the age of majority. Which means they decide where you live. In Florida that is the age of 17 With out Parents Permission

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No. Parental permission is sufficient. It doesn't matter if they are married or divorced.

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Yes when you get emancipated, turn 18 or with parents permission.

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Pregnant without permission or marriage without permission? That's not very specific.

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No. She must have her parents' permission, a court order or reach the age of 18.

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No, they need permission. The age of majority in Florida is 18. Until then you are the responsibility of your parents. They determine where you live and much of what you can do.

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{| |- | Certainly with parental permission. That permission does not relieve the parents of their responsibility to take care of the minor. Once they reach the age of 18, that responsibility ends. |}