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It many do, it depends how much it was stretched. Try working out with with weights. This will help tighten your skin and make your body a bit more firm. The key is to consistently engage in resistance training at least 3 times a week.

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Q: If your skin is stretched because of weight gain can it go back to normal after weight loss?
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No, they would go down alittle bit but not by much, I went up to 0's and they never went back to normal.

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When weight is gained, skin stretches and loses its elasticity(nothing you can do about it), but if you do your best to exercise this part of your body, you can tighten the skin back up depending on how badly it is stretched. Good Luck!!

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It could be because you are not stretched properly. Try doing a bar stretch first.

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that's the size i went to in my left ear. i took it out and it shrank relatively fast, well back to a zero. but to go all the way back to a somewhat normal sized ear piercing i would say around 4-12 months. but it all depends on the person and how fast you stretched

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Stretched out skin can indeed gain some of its elasticity back. Stretched out skin will never have the full elasticity it once had.

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If you lost weight while drinking this tea and you stop drinking it, your metabolism may go back to normal. You can also adjust your diet and exercise to maintain your weight.

Is it a bad sign for your back to hurts wile pregnant?

No, I'm pretty sure that's just normal wear and tear on your body. Your back is strained when you are bending or leaning or to clean something. It's perfectly normal. It's when your lower back starts hurting for no apparent reason and is coupled with other symptoms that you might start thinking about a test.