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Have you missed a period yet? If not the symptoms you listed aren't generally a sign of being pregnant, but it does sound like something you should have checked out by a doctor. It could easily be an infection of some sorts, they are common and it's nothing to panic over but you do want to get treatment soon.

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Q: If your tired more then usual have cramps now and again and have a creamy white discharge only days after ovulation does it mean your pregnant?
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Is creamy white discharge after ovulation a sign of pregnancy?

spotting after ovulation is An implantation bleed would be seen 6-10 dasy after ovualtion. Many women have a clear discharge a lot of the time so you may or may not be pregnant.

If you have white creamy discharge could you be pregnant?

No, it means you are getting ready to ovulate. If you have sex during the time this type of discharge is present, you can become pregnant. Actually, the thick, sticky vaginal discharge you are talking about actually is an indicator that you are a few days from having your period, it is the discharge that usually takes place after ovulation. you can not get pregnant during this time with a normal cycle, you could, however possibly be in the early stages of pregnancy, for this discharge is very common into early pregnancy, and throughout most of it.

Is it normal to have a creamy discharge when you are pregnant especially after you urinate?

No not necessarily, everyone is different. The extra discharge could be hormones. Check with your doctor.

Is it normal to discharge when you are 14 weeks pregnant?

An increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy is very common. It should be white or creamy and not blood-stained, itchy or smelly. If it is any of these see your doctor as you might have an infection.

If you had stringy egg white mucus around the time of ovulation then now have just dry creamy white discharge and had unprotected sex few days before ovulation could you be pregnant?

yes, theres a chance. Sperm lives for 3-5 days in a moist environment so it could reach your egg at the right time. Take a test when the time is right. Good luck!

Can you get white creamy vaginal discharge 2 weeks before your period or is that more so a pregnancy sign?

A vaginal discharge before a period is normal as is in pregnancy. See a doctor if you suspect you may be pregnant.

What is the white creamy stuff you get on your undies could that be that your pregnant?

No its called discharge, you normally get it before you start your period. Every girl that i know of gets it. It's perfectly normal and it doesn't mean your pregnant.

Creamy discharge from breasts?

obviously that's an abnormality

How early in the pregnancy does discharge appear?

I have 2 kids and think I am about 3-4 weeks pregnant I have had the sore nipples and the bloating as well. Every time I had concieved I knew right away and all three times I had this creamy milky white discharge and it came at about 3 weeks pregnant.

Is it okay to have a dicharge in first trimester?

As in clear or creamy discharge? This is very normal - you often get more of it when you're pregnant due to the hormones making your body produce more of it

You see a creamy discharge during pregnancy is that normal?


Is there a difference between the vaginal mucus ovulation and pregnancy mucus?

Vaginal MucusIn my experience (I have two kids), your ovulation discharge usually looks like egg whites, and when you are pregnant, you may have no discharge at all, or a slight creamy textured discharge that you may not even notice, but it does not look like ovulation discharge.I have a great deal more creamy mucus since I got pregnant.From what I have learned and read, when you are ovulating it is a little less thick, more "runny" so to speak, it is stretchy, if you put it between your thumb and finger and close and let go, it can "stretch" and this is because during the 3 days of ovulation when u can get pregnant, it is easier for the sperm to travel and live in that environment. It thickens after.I'm 3 months pregnant right now and I have so much discharge it's amazing. It smells different and is just constant. I have 2 kids and dont remember having this much. I did have more but not this much.Just my personal opinion, but I think that ovulation discharge is minimized if you become pregnant. I searched all over for the answer to this question and was so happy when I found this site, because I think it could be one of the very first signs of pregnancy (at least I'm hoping so at the moment). It is never listed as one though. So, my theory may very well be wrong. It makes sense to me that the discharge is minimized once the "goal" is achieved. And the egg stays in you and doesn't have to come out.Am not yet sure if I am pregnant but being kind of pedantic about this topic I have been checking my mucus throughout this cycle as there has been a possibility of being pregnant after intercourse over my first 10 days of cycle. At the time when I normally ovulate (day 14) either I am imagining things or the mucus was different than normal. It was more like lotion and less sticky than what normal ovulation mucus looks like. Since then I have noticed dramatic reduction in my normal discharge, in fact it's almost nothing. Also I have either eaten something bad or I am pregnant and am experiencing the diarrohea symptom. Period is now 2 days late. Will report back shortly!