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Il faut que je le fasse= it is necessary that i do it.

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How you say oh ya in french?

Wee is french for yes and is spelled Oui But wee in french is Pipi hope this helps

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How do you say 'i must' in french?

il faut que je .... or je dois ..

How do you say I Have to Leave in French?

Je dois partir. More assertive Il faut que je parte!

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You can say "Je dois vérifier."

How do you say I must see you in French?

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What is 'faut' when translated from French to English?

Faut is the il conjugated form of the French Verb "falloir" which means "to be necessary". It is abnormal in the sense that it is only used in the il form. It can be used in a couple of ways. For example, if you want to say "I need a bottle", you can say "Il me faut une bouteille". Also it can be used in a sentence with another verb. For example, a way to say "You have to eat your vegetables", would be "Il faut manger vos légumes". One last way, and the most common way, would be to use it with "que". For example, to say "I need to do my homework", you would say "Il faut que je fasse mes devoirs". When you use it in the form, notice how I used "fasse" instead of "fais"; You need to use the Subjunctive.

How do you say got to go in french?

Il faut que j'y aille Je ne peux pas rester, je suis pressé

What is 'have to' in French?

""Have to" or "must" in French is "devoir." It is pronounced "deuh-vwar"I must finish my homework: Je dois finir mes devoirs.We must work tonight: Nous devons travailler ce soir.The verb to have is the verb "Avoir"The conjugations are as follows:Je=J'ai Nous=AvonsTu=As Vous= AvezIl/Elle=A Ils/Elles=OntYou can also translate with "Il faut que" followed by the verb conjugated at the subjonctive tense"Il faut que je finisse mes devoirs" - I have to finish my homework"Il faut que nous travaillions ce soir"- We have to work tonight"Il faut qu'elle fasse la vaisselle" - She has to do the dishesto have: avoirI have: j'aiyou have: tu ashe has: il ashe has: elle awe have: nous avonsyou have (plur.): vous avezthey have: ils/elles ont

What actors and actresses appeared in Il faut que je tue Monsieur Rumann - 1966?

The cast of Il faut que je tue Monsieur Rumann - 1966 includes: Jacques Alric Loleh Bellon Georges Bever Marcel Champel Gabrielle Doulcet Marius Laurey Bernard Musson Madeleine Sologne

Tu veux que je fasse quoi?

What do you want me to do?